Part 1

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First day of senior year, great. Regina thought as she slowly got out of bed. Regina had just moved from New York a month before and she didn't know anyone in this strange new town. Regina walked over to her closet and pulled out a nice black dress. She put it on and headed down stairs. She was greeted by her older sister Kathryn who was attending Storybrooke community college. "Morning Gina!" Kathryn said happily. "Morning kat" Regina grumbled not looking forward to starting at a new school. She quickly ate her breakfast before running out the door with her back pack and to her car. She drove up to school and immediately found Ruby who was one of the only people she knew in the town. Regina met her at granny's her first night in town and they became fast friends. On their way to get their schedules, Ruby ran into a beautiful blonde girl. "Watch it wolf girl." The blonde girl said glaring at Ruby before continuing her way with her friends. "Who was that?" Regina asked when she knew the blonde girl was out of hearing distance. "Who?" Ruby asked "the blonde who ran into you." Regina answered. "Oh that bitch. That's Emma fucking swan. She's the most popular girl in school. Don't go near her or she'll finish you like a cheese cake." Ruby spat. Regina couldn't help but laugh knowing Ruby quoted a line from 'Pitch Perfect'. For whatever reason, Regina was attracted to the blonde, but she immediately put the thought out of her head. They picked up their schedules and compared classes, unfortunately not having any together, the two walked off in opposite directions as the first bell of the morning rang. Regina walked into class and sat down in the back corner. She set out her note book and pencil on the table, ready to take notes. The second bell rang signaling the start of class. The teacher began taking attendance and half way through, Emma came running in. She took the only seat left, which just happened to be next to Regina. "I hate new kids" Emma mumbled just loud enough for Regina to hear. Regina sighed, not letting the comment get to her.
Before long it was lunch time and she found Ruby, who was with a brunette with long wavy hair. "Hi I'm belle." She introduced herself to Regina in a strong Australian accent. "Regina." Regina answered. And they had lunch together, the rest of the day flew by.
It had been a month now since school had started. Ruby, belle and Regina were close friends and did almost everything together. It was now lunch time and They took a seat at a table in the cafeteria. Not even five minutes into lunch, there was a loud voice and the room fell silent. "Looks like Killian is at it again." Ruby whispered rolling her eyes. Killian was yelling at the blonde girl who sat at a table crying. "You little bitch!" He yelled "how dare you do this to me!" He continued. Everyone stared at them, before Emma had enough and ran to the bathroom. She took off her sweat shirt and put it on the bathroom counter. She stood In front of the mirror staring at herself, then stared down at the healing cuts on her arm, tears still falling down her face.just then Regina walked in. "Go away you bitch." Emma cried. "Emma, I want to help you." Regina said noticing the cuts on her arms. "Leave me alone! I don't need you!" Emma yelled before grabbing her jacket and running out the door. Regina sighed. Although Emma didn't hate Regina, she didn't like her either, and she couldn't trust Regina knowing who she hangs out with. Regina let the day pass by and when she came home, she was greeted by her mom and sister crying on the couch. "Mom what's wrong?" Regina asked concerned. "Our step Dad... He... He..." Kathryn sobbed not being able to get the words out. "He was shot in a drive by shooting... They tried, but couldn't save them." Regina's mother cried. Regina dropped her back pack, tears immediately streaming down her face. She ran up to her room and locked her self in her bedroom, not able to sleep at all that night, not believing that her step dad who had been more like a father to her was really gone.

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