Chapter 21

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We pulled up to the blue house on the left side of SandWay drive. A silver 2014 Range Rover was parked in front of us. I leaned back against my seat and sighed. What if I go in there and something pops off? I'm really not trying to fight today. But if I have to I will. I stared at the front door of the house.

"Are you sure you want to do this? We can wait." Melanie faced me from the driver's side.

"No I don't want to wait." I sighed and shifted in my seat.

"Babe we can come back later if you want to." Vladimir sat up in the back. He eyes were glued to me. I could feel him staring at the side of my face, but I didn't face him.

"I said I don't want to wait. Lady might be in there and I can't risk leaving then coming back. I'm just praying that he is still here." I unbuckled my seat belt.

"Well somebody has to be here. There is a huge ass car, truck whatever you wanna call it, parked in the damn driveway." Melanie looked ahead talking to me her hand gripped the steering wheel. "Lets just hurry up and go in there. I'm getting a little impatient."

"Bring your crazy ass Melanie." I opened the door to the car. I waited for Vladimir and Melanie. They walked beside me to the front door. I stared at the white door for a split second then knocked on the door.

"Do you think he will answer?" I questioned.

"I hope he will." Vladimir answered.

"Should we knock again?"

"Girl if you don't-" Melanie knocked harder on the door. "Now that's how you knock on the damn door. I don't know why your acting like your not ready to pop off. I know you are." She folded her arms. "Quit that shit!"

After Melanie yelled at me the front door opened. A tall white man with perfect stature took in the opened door. He had no shirt on showing his carved abs and toned biceps. I tried not to stare at this man's god-like body. Tell you the truth I haven't even looked at his face yet. I scanned his body really quick before Vladimir could notice.

"Adannaya what are you doing here." He voice rang in my ears. I felt my blood boil over like a pot of lava. If this is him I swear I will fucking scream. I lifted my head up from his body and glared in his eyes. Valentino's eyes were staring at me.

Okay lets back up a couple of steps. This is the hateful man that I met outside of my job at Minuteman. The one that wore the suit and $1,000 pair of sunglasses. Maybe I should give a little background on him.

When I was dating my ex me and Valentino had a little 'thing' going on. Anytime I had an argument or disagreement with my ex I went to him. He was always there to comfort me. Valentino made us promise each other that we weren't going to tell anybody. In the beginning I wasn't cheating with my ex. He was just a friend to talk to, you know. Just a friend until one night.


"Are you okay?" Valentino opened the door and let me in. I walked up the small step and leaned up against the couch."Adannaya what's wrong?" He shut the door. I looked up at him with watery eyes.

"We got into another fight." I wiped the falling tear from my eyes.

"And why are you crying? No need to shed tears over him." Valentino pressed his warm body onto my cold one. His muscular arms wrapped around my neck. My arms moved around his waist. "Why were y'all fighting this time?" He mumbled.

"He accused me of cheating. Again!" I buried my face into his chest. His hands rubbed my back in a circular motion. "I'm not even cheating."

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