~Part 1~ Unknown caller

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Lost in thought I felt something scratching at my leg, looking down I saw Dukes little face looking up at me." Wanna take a walk?" I said. Duke run to the door and waited for me to put on my jacket.

I opened the door, the cold air hit my face as I quickly zipped my jacket up. I walked with duke to a little park near my home, as we arrived it occurred to me that it was getting pretty dark. I wonder how long I had been doodling before I went out. Anyway Duke did his buisnes and I decided we could better go back, I mean you never know what kind of creeps are lurking around at night.

As we reached my street I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I reached for my phone, number unknown.. Who could that be ? I picked up but as soon as I did the person on the other side hung up. Well wrong number I guess. We reached home and quickly went inside, I closed the door and gave Duke some dinner as its nearly 8 in the evening. I put his bowl on the ground and he started eating happily. I myself had some salad, I wasn't hungry anyway.

Later that evening I decided to watch one of my favorite movies, Spirited away, I cuddled on the couch with Duke as my eyes felt heavy my phone buzzed again. I jumped up and looked at the caller ID " unknown ..."

I took a breath and answered " Hello ?" I said, I heard someone breathing on the other side " Uhm hello, who am I speaking with? " the unknown caller replied.

Wow this is a bit off I thought, " Ellie" I answered. " Ellie.. Bennett ? " the unknown caller questioned. I felt a little shiver come over me... not a bad one.. it felt familiar. " Can I ask who is calling? " I quickly replied. As soon as I replied the caller hang up.

I started to feel a bit uncomfortable, I decided to shut my phone of for the night. No more weird calls tonight. I looked at the clock it was nearly midnight, I should get ready for bed. I switched the tv off and walked to my bedroom with duke following me. I put on my oversized t-shirt and crawled onder the blankets. I stared in the dark and tried to remember the voice of the unknown caller, it was definitely a male voice.. but that accent, it was so familiar.

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