The Decision

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The College Decision:

A ten minute play Written by James Leonick


JOE: A boy in his late teen years

BILLY: A boy in his late teen years

JOHN: A man in his early forties (dad).

MOM: A woman in her early forties.


Joe's bedroom in late afternoon.

The kitchen table during dinner.

The College Decision

(At rise: Joe and Billy are sitting on Joe's bed discussing their plans for the future, it is about midday.)

JOE: Billy, What are your plans for after we graduate?

BILLY: I plan to attend a technical institute for something to do with electricity.

JOE: That is really cool. I haven't decided what the best option is for me yet. I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing something I hate.

BILLY: Yeah, man I love anything to do with electricity! I also received a large amount of financial aid to help me pay for my education.

JOE: That's awesome! I also don't want to be in debt for the rest of my life. It would be nice to be able to buy a house before I'm forty, you know?

BILLY: (laughs) yeah, me too! Do you have any idea of what kind of job you want or is there something you are very interested in?

JOE: Well my dad has the plumbing business and he would like me to work with him and take over the business eventually, but I really like sports. I was thinking it would be awesome to be a sports manager or an athletic director! You would get to travel with the team and be right there for every game!

BILLY: Yeah, that does sound pretty cool, but do you think you can survive being away from your family? I mean your mom still makes your bed and does your laundry and your 19. (Laughs)

JOE: Yes, I am very capable of taking care of things that need to be done, but hey if she is still willing to do it for me more power to her.

BILLY: My mom stopped doing my laundry and making my bed freshman year!

JOE: Well doesn't that suck! (Laughs)

BILLY: Well when you have younger siblings you have to fend for yourself. Just like how I will be paying for my college education.

JOE: I will be too if I decide what I am doing. And i could send my laundry to the dry cleaner!

BILLY: Okay, dude whatever you say! Just remember Ramen Noodles get old fast!

JOE: (laughs) true man! I'll catch you later man!

BILLY: See you later!

(BILLY exits Joe's room and goes home. Joe is called down for supper at the dinner table. (As JOE leaves his bed, the lighting goes dark on the bed and light on the table) (As he gets down to the table he is greeted by his parents.)

MOM: Joe sit down we need to talk.

JOE: Is this about college and my education again?

MOM: Yes it's senior year and you have yet to make a decision or even apply to any schools.

DAD: Your mother is right you need to make some decision soon.

JOE: I know but I am not sure what to do,dad I know that you have big dreams for me involving taking over the plumbing business,But I just don't feel it (say this in a very sarcastic tone) and mom you practically expect me to go to an Ivy League school. I am sorry to say but neither of you really knows how confused I am right now. I don't know what I want.

MOM: John! I am not letting our son follow in your sorry footsteps.

DAD: I just want to see him take over the business when I can't work any longer! That does not totally mean he can't go to college!

MOM: Well, by the sounds of it you don't want him to go!

JOE: I would really like to do something with sports, but i am not totally sure yet what the best option would be?

MOM: I am glad that you are at least showing some interest in something.

DAD: I would like for you to take over the business,but I have seen that you have a passion for sports and I will support you in anything that you decide to pursue.

MOM: Maybe I was wrong about the situation John, it seems that you do care a bit.

DAD: Of course I care about my son! Sometimes I do think that my way is best, but if he really wants to do something with sports then that is where his heart is.

MOM: If sports is what you want to study than maybe you should look into this major that one of my friends from high school studied it's called Sports Management .

JOE: Yea, I have heard of that,but wasn't sure what it was about. I'll have to check it out.

MOM: You should and while you are at it you need to find a school that offers it and I have heard that York College of Pennsylvania has a great program.

(The stage goes black. A week or so goes by and Joe has researched the major a bit. When the lights return JOE is running into the kitchen to join everyone at the kitchen table for dinner.)

JOE: Guess what guys?(smiles)

MOM: What Joe?

DAD: What is it son?

JOE: I have decided what I want to do for the rest of my life!!!!

MOM: Really that is great!

DAD: What have you decided on?

JOE: I have decided to go to apply to York College of Pennsylvania to be in their sports management program !

MOM: That is amazing, Joe! I can't wait to help you pick out stuff for your dorm and school supplies!

JOE: Woah mom! I also decided that I am going to commute to save money! Instead of pay room and board I will be able to save a little money to help pay off my college bill faster!

DAD: Joe, are you sure that this is what you want to do?

JOE: Dad I'm sure I would really like to work for the National Football League when I graduate. It is a new goal that I have set for myself.

DAD: That is a very large goal son, but I told you I would be supportive in whatever direction you would take.

MOM: That's right John! Well Joe your dad and I are very proud of you. You took control of what you wanted to do. It was not really our place to tell you what you would want to do for the rest of your life. I just hope you have thought this through and are going to be happy with a job in that field wherever you go.

JOE: Thanks you guys and I will be happy with this form of work, but I will also be happy because I got both or your guys support in what I wanted to do. Thank you.

DAD: Your welcome, son. Now let's get to applying at York College!

(JOE his Dad leave the table smiling as MOM cleans off the table and the lights go dark.)

End of play.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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