Chapter two

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Chapter two

My birthday day came and ever since then my mom and aunt dawn and everybody is waiting on me hand and foot. I made a wish to ne a queen and now things are bad and i don't know how to fix them. I went to talk to the one person i know can fix things her name is willow/ hey aunt willow i said i need your help? yes sure anything angel she said. I made it where the world is kind of all about me and i need your help to change it back. no problem willow said as if she was under a spell. She waved her hands and chanted something i couldn't make out what she was saying but whatever it was it work. Next thing i know my name is being screamed ANGEL ANN. What did you do. I'm sorry mom. I said my mom was mad at me. for what did. I didn't mean to i begun to beg her but she didn't care. she grounded me for a year and i will prob. be 21 before she'd evem talk to me again Im so sorry i said again but she was still mad at me.

i didn't know what i was going to do with my sister mad at me and willow the only one being nice to me. i was on my own. The only friend i ever was sara and i looseing her to her boyfriend. I can't beileve I have that much power i thought to myself. it was late and my mom walked in. hey she saiid hey i said back Are you still mad at me asked I don't know  she said. no matter how bad i get your still my daugther and i love you.  I know mom. Aunt dawn wallked in We need to go she said go where buffy asked. Something happemed to giles. Whats wrong with giles i asked. he has been attacked We all left and went to where giles was attacked. We saw xander there with blood all over him and giles laying on the gound. We carried him back  but by the time we came home it was to late giles was gone. he was as good as dead. 

We were a;; crying at the grave site. We didn't know what to do anymore. With giles gone we wouldn't know anything. He was the main source of information. it was later that night and we were all sitting in the living room when there was a loud knock on the door. Xander answered it. His mouth dropped it was giles. I can't beilieve it. he thought Hey buff, Yea she said as she walk up to the door. she had a big smile on her face. wait a mintue we burried you? buffy said. yes you did. his fingers were all messed up from crawing out of his coffin and grave. your a vampire i said. yes i am he said back. I could tell whenever a vampire was around me. I always could even though my sister didn't like me around them, well you can't come in here buffy said go away. No i think he's good i said. ANGEL ANN when someone turns in to a vampire they loose their soul. Giles no longer as a soul so he is no longer welcome in my house. Okay i said. fine I'll go hang with soike giles said and he walked away, 

What are we going to do now? willow said yea xander said my honey is right with him gone we have no souce of imformation. I know buffy said but we will make it though it. NO one with a soul is aloud in your house then I shouted. What about dad. and spike? hey come here! well your dad and spike both got there souls back if you must know. yea i knew that i went sadily to my room. I couldn't beileve that giles was gone.  I was so sad and mad. I had to control my anger though so i didn't hurt anyone with my super shregth.  I finally feel asleep and i dreamed everything was okay and giles wasn't dead. It was so amazing then i woke up to my sister telling me i had to go to school but atleast it was the last day for me . I got up and got dressed and off to school iwent. I ran in to sara and faith. I heard about giles i said i am so deeply sorry Faith said. it's okay i said. Sara and I walked off towards the school went inside and sat in our seats and history class. I Graded your test class. when she ended me mine i saw i was failing which didn't matter to me. I ripped it up and threw it away. I got up and walked out of the class room i went to the bathroom and cried. I went back to my class and sat down. I stayed there till the bell rang. once it rang i got up and went home. I invited sara over but she couldn't make it. I walked out of the school and someone took me. Whatever it was, it was stronger then me. They kept me for days i knew my mom was looking for me. When they found me i was asleep. oh my god buffy said i was tied up in the corner and my arms had cut marks on them. They were drinking my blood. The blood of a slayer/vampire,  Buffy untied me and we went home. I was walking home from school when they snuck up behind me mom. i said it is okay buffy said. I have you and you are safe right now. I didn't feel safe at all.  I felt like someone was after me. Some one was always after me. 

I didn't know what i was going to do with people always after me. I only felt safe when i was around spike. which i don't know why. xander hated spike. I always thought xander was jealous of him because spike was screwing the woman he wanted. Xander did find a good girl though her name is willow. She is an aswsome witch who tried to take over the world once or twice. She my favorite person to talk to besides my mom. She is so awsome. Anyways as i was saying spike was so dreamy. It was time for school, I woke up super early today so i could make my bus on time. my mom and dad (who's missing) are on me about my grades. I went and took  my seat next to sara. Hey bitch.. she said. what did i do? I said. I was just teasing you she said. Omg i said my mom let me go slayering with her. really faith asked yes she did and it was aswome. Sara didn't beileve that my mom let me go with her on her slayer misson but i didn't care. I didn't need to prove anything to anyone. It was time to go home. I went home and took a long nap. Spike came in and woke me up. He is so cute. I thought to myself. Where is buffy? he asked Out i said she wasn't home when i got here, oh okay any idea where she is? no i said. but you can stay anyways. no i really need to find your mom. okay i said i can help you. no it's to dangrous spike said. oh okay i went to my room crying. I felt so  low. All i wanted was to hang out with spike. 

(where spike and buffy)

something is comeing for dawn spike told buffy. Dawn will be safe in my hands i said. There not just coming for dawn. There coming for Angel Ann too. spike said. I won't nothing happen to my sister or my daugther buffy said. buffy still had a thing for spike but she knew her heart belong to angel. Everyone has a crush on spike in this messed up world. We have to stop this spike said i agree buffy said so we both agree on something then spike said don't get use to it buffy said

(back to Angel Ann)

My mom had been gone for two days i told willow. I wonder where she is. I know where she is Willow said. She is trying to keep you and dawn safe from what's coming. Well what is coming angel asked Nothing that should harm you willow said lieing to her. Why the hell are you lying to me. angel said. I knew something was coming for me and dawn both. Its some kind of evil bean that wants us dead because we are magical keys and we open that gates of hell. Buffy walked in she had dirt in her hair and cuts on her forehead, We need To stop this and we need all the help we can get. Willow started calling everyone for a scobby meeting. this thing is strong buffy said and they want dawn and angel and we are not going let them get dawn and angel ann. The whole group was talking when a creature came in and started attacking people. spike got thrown across the room and got knocked out. THe creature left with Angel ann but left dawn behind. we later found a peace of paper that read we will be back for the key. We can't let them get away with this xander said. don't worry we won't a voice came in for the door.  It was Angel the vampire( my dad)  They won't get with my daugther we will hunt them down and kill them before anything happens. buffy was freaking mad as hell. She walked out the front door by herself. 

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