Long Oneshot- Enjoy!

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Sonic groaned with annoyance as Amy took hold of his wrist. "Remind me why I have to go with you?" Sonic asked Amy while he rubbed his tired eyes. It was only 3:00 A.M. and Sonic definitely wasn't a morning person.

"Because you're the fastest and you can get me to the top of the temple quickest." Amy responded, with slight annoyance of her own. "He said he'd go yesterday! Why is he so upset now?" She thought aggressively.

"Ames, can't we go-" Sonic paused for a long yawn. "Can't we go later? You know... when the birds are up?" Amy simply shook her head. "Impossible, you wouldn't take me last week, and you said you'd take me yesterday. The temple is getting destroyed tomorrow and I want to get some artifacts."

Sonic sighed and began to actually walk. Amy still had her hand around his wrist, but now they walked shoulder to shoulder.

"Why did I agree to this?" Sonic asked himself in frustration.


Sonic laud stretched out in his couch with a bowl of popcorn resting on his chest. It was raining heavily and thunderstorms interrupted his TV show every few minutes. He was watching Comedy Chimp's late night show. He smiled as Comedy Chimp got a pie and makeup smeared over his face. Little kids from the village were there to do his makeup, while his assistant threw pie.

Sonic was half-way into a yawn when his doorbell went off. He stood up and went to the door. "Who is it?" He asked as he leaned against the door. "It's A-Amy..." came a weak tired voice.

"What? Why is Amy here?" He thought then puffed out his chest and straightened some of his ruffled fur. "Wait, it's storming out! Why did she come here now?!" He forgot about his appearance rather quickly then grabbed Amy's wrist and pulled her inside.

"Ek!" Amy let out a squeal of surprise. "Oh, thank you so much, Sonic." She said to him as she shook violently. "Oh good God, Amy, what were you thinking? Going out in this storm, you must be crazy!" Sonic was acting like his overprotective self. He pulled Amy into his living room and sat her down on his couch before she could say a word.

"Uh- I-"

Sonic threw a blanket he had been under on top of her. "Better?" He asked her, sarcastically. Amy nodded and cuddled up in the warm blanket. It smelled like him and still had his body heat on it. "It's so warm..." She smiled. Sonic blushed at her response. "Well, so, uhm... What were you doing outside? You know how dangerous it is out there?" Sonic scolded her.

Amy rolled her eyes. "I lost the keys to my house and the windows were jammed. Sticks wouldn't answer her burrow, and Knuckles was at Tails' house." She explained to him. "Why didn't you go to Tails' house?" Sonic asked her, as if he had expected her to forget about his house. "Because his door said "Testing going on, please leave." Amy responded coldly.

"... Well, you have to spend the night here. There's no way I'm allowing you back in that storm." Sonic told her strictly. Amy didn't fight him as she nodded. "Can I take a shower?" Amy asked Sonic. "Sure, go right ahead."

Amy stood up, still shivering and walked herself to Sonic's bathroom. Sonic, being the extrovert that he is, wanted to talk to her. (Or at least that's what he said). He sat outside the door of the bathroom and talked to Amy while she took her shower. He had to yell through the door so she could hear him.

"So, what are planning on doing tomorrow?" Sonic asked her. "Tomorrow? Hmm... Nothing really big planned. Oh wait! Could you take me over to this temple? The Mayor is going to destroy it before I can get artifacts, it's really important to me." The sound of the shower went off and the bathroom door opened.

SonAmy: The Guilty One (Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now