The Reload - Thirteen.

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Christopher Maurice Brown.
Nineteen Years Old.
Tappahannock, Virginia, United States.
1 Year & 8 Months Ago...

"You going to be fine bro. I'm still impressed from last month at that robbery, you helped me out man. You can't stay in that warehouse forever either. Once you finish  with training you be fire." Keeis encouraged me.

It's been four months and I'm still the same pussy since I got here, actually I have gotten slightly better. But I got too comfortable, they ready to train me to be one of them. I need to be tougher and be able to do everything with me, not just the warehouse.

"Okay, yeah..." I uneasily replied.

"I promise bro." Keeis kept trying to make me feel better about this. "Just don't be a pussy."

He chuckled lightly, I laughed a bit too to ease my nerves. I don't know why I'm even working myself up so much, just a simply test.

"Chris, you ready?!" Kanye shouted over to me.

I nodded, I walked over to him just to see around the corner was the rest of the crew. No pressure then... I looked back at Keeis, he nodded as a confirmation that I'm going to be alright. I don't even know what I'm doing yet so I don't really know why I'm worried about everything.

"Right, Chris." Kanye started. "Mostly all the time you going to be with someone, most of the time with, Keeis."

That made feel good that I wasn't going to be with Red all the time, he still don't like me, and I'm not a fan of his either... Kid Ink came over to me and started talking, taking over.

"So, the first test was the warehouse, getting all the drug shit sorted, easy. You done that, you already passed the first step." Kid Ink informed me.

Test one complete.

"Step two though." Kid Red began. "Drug dealing, shit didn't go well the first time. Might look like a lil mistake, but you can't fuck nothing up. So... Test two. Drug dealing, you need to go out there and sell to anyone on the streets, all by yourself."

Firstly, I don't know their customers, so who do I even ask? How do you even ask someone if they want drugs? What if I get caught? Secondly, by myself? I'm about to get beaten up in front of a crowd.

"Let's go then. I have stuff to do." Jay called out.

We rolled out in this black tinted car, half of us in one car, the others in the other car. We pulled up the same spot as last time. However, this time I'm on the streets, not in the under ground area, even more risky.

"You get caught, don't mention a word about us." Jay told me straight.

I nodded then got pushed out the car by Red, chucking a duffle bag to me after. He smirked, as if he just waiting for me to fail again. I'm going to do it just prove his smug ass wrong.

As I was walking along looking for someone to ask my phone started ringing. Not good time right now, I quickly pulled it out to see it was Lauren. I really need to spend more time with her... But for now, it isn't the time to be taking calls. So, I placed my phone back in my pocket and went along with my business.

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