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Mikarin: HUZZAH

Kara-Kane: Yo

Mikarin: I'm so glad to have start this story! i was really excited to start this! Aaaaaannnnddd have a really good friend of mine start this with me~!

Morgan: Mother? What are you doing?

Mikarin: Ah! Morgan, honey! I'm so glad you're here~! I'm going to start a story with some fellow tacticians!......if there'll be any....

Mikarin: (glances at Kara-Kane)

Mikarin: Except you Kara~! You'll be here too~!

Kara-Kane: Of course, so we will take any requests you may have. Also if you have any questions about either of us, we will answer.

Mikarin: So if you have any requests, we'll gladly answer~!

Mikarin: *stops short*

Morgan: ...? Mother? Is something wrong?

Mikarin: *smiles* NOPE! Oh, I almost forgot! If you want the fire emblem characters to do a dare or something soooooo funny.....


Mikarin: *evil smile* I. WILL. DO IT.

(Morgan backs away slowly, a small, but fearful, smile on his face.)

Mikarin and Kara: Aaannnywaaayyy~! Here's to "Wonderfully Random Drabbles with the Fire Emblem Cast!" YAY!

Wonderfully Random Drabbles with the Fire Emblem Cast!Where stories live. Discover now