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*Dans Pov*

I sat on the couch watching tv, I could hear Phil in the bedroom recording his new video.

I got up and walked to his door and peaked round the corner, I stood there staring at the perfect boy.

Perfection, I said quite loudly
Thinking I was talking to myself.

"Ohh umm Dan, what are you doing there" Phil replied
You're just so perfect I stuttered out.

"Im what" he winked at me,
I walked over to him and sat next to him on his bed.

I placed my hand on his bulge and squeezed a little, Phil let out a little moan.

Phil, I said, I know you want this.
I need you, I love you so much and I just want to feel your body in me.

Phil looked at me with his mouth opened, I..... I....... I want you inside of me Dan, I want to feel you, I..... I just really like you.

We just stared at each other for about 2 minutes until I couldn't hold it in much longer, I leaned into Phil and whispered in his ear " I love you Philly"

"I love you too" he replied, I grabbed round his waist and neck and began to passionately kiss him.

He let out little moans and deep breathes as the kiss commenced, I pushed him down to the bed sternly and straddled him, still passionately kissing.

I pulled out of the kiss and said "you're mine now"
He smirked and replied with "yes daddy"

My erection grew instantly and so did Phil's as I could feel through his black tight jeans.

I caressed his earlobe with sweet kisses as he moaned in pleasure, I pulled off his top and continued to kiss down his body.

I started to take off his belt while squeezing his bulge, causing him to moan more. I pulled down his jeans
Ripping them off and throwing them across the room, leaving him laying in boxer on his bed.

I quickly undressed myself leaving us both in boxers and straddled him once again, I pulled in and started to kiss Phil passionately which made his erection grow bigger.

He let out saying "stop teasing me daddy, just fuck me pleaseeee"

He carried on begging the same thing over and over, but I didn't listen, I continued to suck his neck leaving hickeys everywhere.

Then finally said "are you ready?"
He moaned out in shakes breathes "yes daddy"

I pulled off his boxers and threw them across the room, which I did to mine too.
We was both naked.

I straddled him once more and moved down to his erect member, I pumped his member up and down causing him to let out load moans

Fuck, Ohhh fuck...... Daddy please

I finally placed his member in my mouth sucking harder and harder causing Phil to whimper.

I placed my thumb over his slit, rubbing harder and pumping his dick,
Causing Phil to pre cum.

I continued sucking him until he screamed out "More daddy more"

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