The Traitors and The Liers

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"He leaned into me.... To kiss me. I had a rush of adrenaline at that moment going through my veins and I really didn't know what to do, I got nervous and I started sweating in a split second noticing our lips touched. And then all of a sudden it was over, like a roller coaster." I stopped my sentence not wanting to bore Emma out of her mind.   A smirk in her face, "And your telling me all of this happened next to a trash compartment, the schools trash compartment?" She laughed. Her light blue eyes looked lighter in the sun, and her blonde hair down to her back, in a long braid that I had attempted to make during class. " Yea, my first kiss wasn't exactly where I wanted it to be.... But I felt like it was the right time.... I really did" I looked down smiling at the ground, thinking about him.... His blond hair.... That he swore he didn't dye, his eyes so bright that you could see them clearly in the dark. He was Perfect, he was Niall.

The bell rang as Emma and I rushed to avoid the chaos in the halls. The hoard of kids stomping on our feet, or bumping into us was terrible. But we happily made it alive to our Biology class catching our breath after 20 seconds of craziness. The tardy bell then rang as we sat down. In my class we were separated by grades. The smart kids sat with the not so smart to help them out. And unfortunately I had to sit with Annoying Harry, me and Emma despised him since he told on us for stealing his Chocolate bar in third grade. But to be honest we were doing him a favor, his acne wasn't going anywhere. He walks in the room with Niall, his best friend aka my boyfriend I smile at Niall as he winks at me. And Harry walks towards me making kissing faces. He pulls his chair next to me " So how are you and Niall doing?" He raised he's eyebrow getting closer to me. " Good you little turd"  He laughed showing his perfect teeth, that reminded me of when Niall first came to our school with clear braces that he would always stain while drinking his favorite Blueberry Gatorade. "Are you guys planning on having kids?" He annoyed. I kept a straight face at his stupid question trying to finish my bell work. "Now we're playing the quiet game huh?" He's finger hitting my arm, I pretended he wasn't there.

I wrote my last few notes trying not to slap his tattoos out of his arm..... "I hate the silent game can we play something else?" I kept writing as I grabbed my phone mocking him with my silence like a ninja. "Come on don't be like that-" I grabbed his face with my hand his lips puckered up. Niall watched with laughter in his eyes, " Harry, please Shut up" I let him go as he stared at me, I rolled my eyes. He acted like a middle schooler. The teacher spoke as Emma texted me
"Meet me during lunch in the art room"
I winked at her as she smiled knowing I read the message, looking down at my phone feeling a hand grab out it out my hands. Oh. No. The teacher looked at me with disgust, "I see you are talking to Emma" Emma looked down her face beet red. "Making plans, no?" I nodded as Harry held on to his laughter his face in his arm, you could hear his heavy breathing. "What is so important that you have to ruin my class time and your learning to text her?" Emma stood up from her seat looking past me to curls sitting next to me. He looked at me loosing his smile, his eyes then trembling to both of us. " Emma? What do you have to say" the teacher annoyed. "I-I-" Emma played with her fingers, she seemed anxious as her faced teared up, " I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I thought maybe you would get mad and hate me so I never told you. I promise I was gonna tell you, I just wasn't ready yet until today well kind of Harry was so he was gonna tell you both about us dating an-"

She stopped to take a breath, my eyes went wide. "YOUR DATING" Niall and I stood up. "Okay everybody sit down, stop worrying about dating and I didn't tell you this and that I didn't te-" "I thought you were my best friend, I thought you told me anything no matter what" I interrupted sitting down violently. Harry became quiet as the teacher taught again, Niall seemed dazed, like he didn't know what was going on in his world right now. "How long" I whispered under my breath. " Since our Junior year" he's voice became trembled as I opened my eyes wide. How could my best friend not tell me about her boyfriend? That she has had for more than 2 years. My thoughts wandered up until the bell ring, "You and Emma are going to the office after lunch, here is a pass, the student council is 2 doors into the staff hallway to your right." We groaned as Niall grabbed my hand walking out leaving Emma and Harry. I couldn't stand them, just the general fact of them not saying anything made me want to scream."So.. How do you feel after everything?"

He tried to force a smile, " Did you know?" I looked up to his eyes, he looked down rubbing his neck. "You knew" he kicked his feet to the imaginary dust. " How did you not tell me?" I looked at him letting go of his hand. "I really didn't think think they would hold it for so long" He looked at me his innocent eyes lingered around. "Seriously? How stupid do you think I am Niall?" I traced the direction he was looking at.... He stared at that same place.... I turned around walking away, First my best friend then my boyfriend what's next?

Hey it's me! I'm back with a new book dedicated to my amazing friends/directioners Emma, Diana, Taylor, Ava, and Tess! Hope you guys like this book so far and don't forget there is more coming up of The Traitor

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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