What can I say... Im different

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Chapter One

*Angel's POV*

Man i hate moving! My dad and i are moving from Willow Creek, Montana to Clearwater, Alabama. Its not the moving that i hate but the packing and unpacking. I just have so much stuff. Of course ill miss my friends all one of them. Yup i only have one friend but thats fine by me. Kat's a great best friend and ill miss her the most out of everything.

My dad and i have been driving the U-haul truck for days now and my wings are killing me to come out and fly. Yea you heard me wings. See im half fallen angel and half vampire so im kind really different but i feel like its in a good way. My dad Rick is a vampire and my mom was a fallen angel but she died when i was two. I don't really remember her but dad says i look like her a lot.

I've got long blond hair that goes way past my shoulders and im weird because my eyes are bright red and not anything normal like blue or green. Im 5 foot 10 which i guess is tall but whatever. Oh and another thing im considered a badass chick because i don't care what people think or say. Im also know to be in the principal's office more than in my classes. I also have a tatoo on my neck or thats what i tell people because it just showed up one day. It starts at the base of my neck and travels up to my cheek in spirals. Dad says that it means ill find my mate soon who will have the same tatoo but in a different place.

Okay so now im way off topic. Back to the boring highway which i don't know. I've been staring out the window for the last four hours and its killing me.

"Dad! How much longer?" I whined.

"'Bout 30 more minutes sweetie. Are you excited for school tomorrow?" He asked. I could tell he was worried that i wouldn't make friends and i would get into fights but thats who i am i can't change that.

"Yeah dad im ready to put some people in their places." Translation im gonna get into a fight my first day.

"Just try to give it a coupe of days before you do some serious harm, okay?"

"Okay i guess." I grumbled.

"All i can ask is for you to try." He looked over at me and smiled.


"I don't want to go." I groaned to myself as i lay in bed with the alarm clock ringing in my ear.

"Angel get up or your going to be late!" Dad yelled through the door.

"Fine im up." I got up and went to take a shower. After drying off i put on skinny jeans with my converses and a navy t-shirt. I grabbed my leather jacket as i walked out of my bedroom door.

I walked into the kitchen as dad was finishing cooking. I grabbed some bacon and a bag of blood (whatever type works) out of the fridge. Hey what can i say? Im a vampire and i got to eat too you know.

"Bye dad. Im gone. Love ya." I said as i walked out the house.

"Just be careful i know how you are."

I climbed onto my bike and headed to my new hell. When i say bike im not talkin' bicycle... Im talkin' bout a Harley-Davidson Superlow motorcycle. I loved my bike like it was my own kid.

I didn't know much about this town but it looked small that means the school is going to be small too. Ugh!

Wow this school is definatly small theres only 30 parking spots and this is high school. I park in one of the spots left and head inside knowing im already late so maybe ill get detention today too. There's still a few guys standing outside. By the smell of them there vampire. I didn't even have to look to know that they were staring with dropped jaws.

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