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"And this is where we keep our more... Dangerous patients." The women smiled. Every door was heavily locked and guarded.

"How are they dangerous?" Steven questioned. The doctor bit her lip. "They, well...Like the rest they aren't fit to be among society...They hurt people you could say" She said, her tone uneasy. She continued to walk and explain how things operate here. But I wasn't paying attention. All I could hear was laughter and screaming, sometimes it was a mixture of both.

"Do you have killers in here?" A soft voice piped up. I stood on the tips of my toes to see who had asked. Holly, the school nerd. Not that there's anything wrong with nerds. The doctor lady laughed awkwardly. "We do have a few." She shrugged. "Why aren't they in prisons?" Lilian scoffed. The lady shrugged. "I'm not sure, its not my department."

We had almost finished this part of the building when an intercom went off. "All tours stop, go to sector 56." Everyone looked around, whispering to friends. The doctors eyes widen. "Alright follow me, quick pace, remain calm!" She barked. We all stumbled after her. The laughter had grown louder and chanting had started.

"Cut, cut, cut, your skin right down to the bone...." It would start off slowly and soft.

"No more screams for you my dear, your breath is nearly gone!" would follow after, with a laughter that sent chills down your spine.

We reached a room that had double doors wide open, six guards surrounding it, each with a weapon. We were ushered into the room that was now full. There were many different age groups, some were primary schoolers, others in middle school, sophomore and senior. Even some adults probably visiting family and friends. I pushed through the crowd, sitting on a table as I was pretty short for someone my age. A few minutes later the doors shut, after another two guards came in. Loud sounds came from outside, I could only presume they were locking the doors. Then, it fell silent. Nervous chatter filled the room. I stayed still, watching the door. I wonder why we had to come here... I mean, the tour was boring but this, this is worse.

A scream broke everyone's chatter. It was a high pitch scream, one filled with pain. It was followed by five more. There goes the guards. Then, the chanting started, but it didn't start off soft at all. It was loud, almost a scream. The lines were repeated and to be honest, it was a little annoying. Nobody spoke throughout all of this it was quite. The door flew open and there stood a man with shaggy black hair. He faced the floor, soft laughter escaping from him. "You all threw me a party!" He wheezed. His body began to shake and he began laughing violently. "You shouldn't have.." He giggled. He took in a large, struggled breath. The man was still in his straight jacket, his head tipped back showing his pale face, but that's all I could see from where I sat. Some people screamed while others cried out to the guards to 'Kill the thing', which he took to great offence. "Well that's just rude, why I should have to kicked out of my party!" He huffed. "Or maybe, put you up as a... as a decoration!" he growled. I stood up, probably not the smartest move, and began to jump off the table and push my way through the crowd. I want to see the mans face. I was so close to get there but a gun shot made me freeze in place, are they shooting at me?

"That, was quite rude" The man sighed. "Shooting a man, at his own party too!" he added in softly. I quickly continued on. I got to the front and quickly took in what I could. Unfortunately, he wasn't facing me.  I looked over at the two men hold guns, both pointed at the boy. "Mr Woods, we suggest you come with us." the smaller one said sternly. The man made an attempt to swing his arms. "And leave this party that's being thrown in my honour? Why that's just rude." He said, making tsk sounds. The same man pinched the bridge of his nose. "It is not a party Mr Woods!" he cried, his tone tired. 'Mr Woods' head rolled back. "Well, lets us make it one then!" He hissed, pouncing. Bullets flew through the air only two getting 'Mr Woods'. He screeched in pain but it didn't slow him down. He jumped on the shorter man, biting at his neck, weird I know. He began to rip off bit's of flesh, the man withering trying to get away, screams full of agony bouncing off the walls. Children were crying, people were throwing up. The other guard was throwing up actually. A few seconds later he stopped moving. The man stood up and cracked his neck. "Your turn." he cackled before jumping. The man yelped in terror and began firing the gun in random directions in hopes it would hit him. He failed. He fell to the ground with a thump. He attempted to throw punches and kicks, barely getting any damage done. Finally, the guard got a punch in. Right in the neck. The boy fell back, gasping for air. While he was down some people took the opportunity to run. There was around forty people in the room, around fifteen got out, most being the primary kids. By now most people were in tears, even some of the boys who, at the start were acting all strong and claiming they could take him down easily. Lilian was huddling up to Holly, both whispering harshly and crying. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the fight. The guard was now picking up his gun and firing the last of his bullets getting the boy in the stomach twice and once in the ribs. The guard turned and began yelling at people to get out. Nobody hesitated. Well, other than myself. Everyone ran out, stumbling over others, their own feet or the dead men on the floor. As the room was near empty I crept over to the dead guard and examined the wound. Teeth marks covered his neck, face and a bit on his shoulder. His main vein had basically been torn out of his neck leaving a mass of blood covering the floor and himself. I scanned his uniform looking for a name tag, which wasn't hard to find. Elliott Bankwoods, what a fancy name. I stood up and slowly walked over to the boy in the straight jacket. I bent down and brushed some of his hair away. His face wasn't what I expected, but I didn't scream or gag or whatever. I gasped yeah sure, but not out of disgust. I gasped because I felt bad for him. His eyelids were gone, ringed in black. His mouth had been cut up, pulling back  into a large grin. I pulled away and started to back away when something caught onto my leg and sent me to the hard tiled floor. A wheezing sound echoed throughout the room. I tugged at my leg but whatever had me wouldn't budge. I looked down and saw a pale hand wrapped around me, bloody nails digging into my flesh. I looked up from my leg and screamed. The what I thought was a dead crazy guy now sat up, his smile even bigger. "How kind of you to check up on me."  he breathed. I choked on my own saliva and attempted to free my leg. "Why aren't you dead!" I gasped. His grip tightened, his nails now cutting open my skin making me cry out. "Let me go!" I wailed. His hand dropped and I scanned over the jacket that had been torn and some of the clip things that lock it shut were gone. "Oh, I have horrible manners, so sorry!" He laughed. I frown, what is happening? "The name is Jeff, Jeff The Killer" he cackled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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