Hidden Needs ch. 4

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Chapter Four

I stood in the large room plotting my actions. I quickly changed into black leather pants, sans boxers, no shirt, and a supple black leather mask that covered three-fourths of my face-think Phantom of the Opera meets Marquis de Sade. Thigh-high lace-up black boots completed my simple ensemble.

I could tell that the Mistresses of the house really did give me their biggest and best room. Leave it to two women to implement the 'bigger is better' rule to such success.

One corner of the room housed the extreme area: whipping post, hanging chains, spiked rows on the wall, and the more severe toys-bullwhips, sharply studded paddles, cock cages, and what not. Nothing that could break the skin if wielded by an experienced hand-The Sanctuary had specific rules in place about that, which was why they were on display but secured. Use of the advanced toys had to be preapproved. If blood play was your forte, The Sanctuary had special areas for you that were very well-monitored with a strict application process prior to use.

In the opposite corner was the sensual area with a huge claw-footed bathtub that could easily fit three robust people, different textured rugs laid out, and a collection of massage oils and paraffin wax supplies of all colors and scents.

The other areas of the room were different degrees between those two extremes; all centered on the California king bed with the forest green silk comforter and numerous pillows. It was truly a room that almost any desire could be fulfilled in.

I stood stoically when the door handle turned and the door opened inwardly. Showtime.

"I do apologize, Mr. H, you know from past experience that this isn't how we normally conduct business. But there was no avoiding closing the west wing for the time being. I'm sure you will be more than satisfied with the new arrangement here. But the relocation of the room is only the first issue we have had to deal with today. Charlie, your sub of choice, is not going to be available tonight. He had an emergency and couldn't make it in."

Sela and Archer walked through the door. He had changed also, his attire similar to mine, but more. I especially liked the gauntlet cuffs on his upper biceps and lower forearms. I wondered if Arch even realized what they were perfect for, the almost hidden D-rings practically screamed out to be used. Then my heart skipped a beat...piercings. My Arch had a nipple ring. I didn't have any piercings; just never thought about them much either way. But seeing Arch with his perfectly furred chest bared except for the leather crossing it and that one hoop glinting at me, I had a whole new appreciation for them.

Sela introduced us, using only our initials for privacy sake. "Mr. H, this is Mr. R. He has graciously agreed to share his sub with you for the night, and I've arranged it for you two to have the best in the house. I do understand that you have not partaken in this sort of arrangement with us before, but I believe that you will find it stimulating to say the least. As per our earlier discussion, the room is taken care of for the inconvenience you've suffered, and now that you also will be sharing a partner, we have allotted you unlimited time. Our customers demand the best from us and we happily fulfill that demand."

I don't know how Sela managed to knock one of the subs out of the picture, but this night just got a lot more interesting in my opinion. I decided to overlook the fact that she kept this little tidbit from me, and the smirk she shot my way while Arch examined the room was proof positive that she'd done it on purpose. You didn't get something for nothing from my sinful Sela. If my only payment was to amuse her by catching me off guard, then I would more than happily pay in spades.

Arch ended his foray standing in front of me and eyed me up and down. It took all my willpower not to flex or something for him. I wasn't a bodybuilder by any stretch of the imagination, but regular football games with my buddies and jogging three times a week definitely hadn't hurt my physique any.

"And your name is?"

I hesitated for just a moment; only because we had just talked a few hours ago. What was the chance that he would recognize my voice? I had no doubt that would be a deal breaker. Hell, if I were him, that would convince me to take out a restraining order. I had two things on my side though, the fact that he made sure we exchanged the minimal amount of words possible, and when my Dom persona took over, my voice naturally deepened with authority.

"You'll refer to me simply as D for the time being."

Archer's eyes turned to slits. I would play this carefully at first, it would do no good to have a power struggle this early. I hadn't given him any reason to stay yet, but on the other side of the coin, I couldn't allow him to get the upper hand...ever. I was very aware of what his hidden needs were, but he was oblivious.

It would be my job to enlighten him.

"D? That's short for something?"

I purposely ignored his question. "So you've never shared a submissive before? Tonight will be a night of firsts." I turned to Sela and nodded.

"Kyle will be with you soon. You two play nicely together, or not so nicely, the decision is yours." She closed the door on the way out.

I sat in one of the wingback chairs and stared at my morsel of goodness.

"I assume you have shared a sub before?"

"Does that bother you?"

"I'm not bothered; I just like to know who I'm doing business with. Charlie is my regular, I'm comfortable with him and we read each other well."

"So Charlie was safe for you? If you're looking for safe, I do believe you're in the wrong house." I allowed my head to fall back against the chair so I looked up at Archer, giving him a false sense of power.

"Ah, but that is what places like this are all about. A false sense of security for you to act upon. If you wanted something more genuine, you wouldn't be here."

Internally, I laughed. I was sure Abby would have a thing or two to say about Arch's classification of her house. The tone of Arch's voice didn't slip by me. My poor man was in desperate need, and not even Charlie could give it to him.

Before I could answer that pointed comment, the door opened, and a man in his late twenties walked through. Good, Sela knew I didn't like the young ones. I much preferred the seasoned players, you didn't have to second-guess as much. I only wished I had thought about questioning Sela about Kyle before being face to face with him. I wasn't sure how much he might know about these proceedings, and this was far too important to just fly by the seat of my pants. Unfortunately, it looked like I would be doing exactly that.

Hidden Needs: Secrets of the Sanctuary bk 1Where stories live. Discover now