The Proposal

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Robin bites his lip as he watches her head up the stairs and out of sight then heads off to game of thorns flower shop to buy her a well deserved bouquet of a dozen deep red roses and a box of chocolate, he figured she'd appreciate it since she's pregnant. He also makes a stop at the jewelers. He ordered a very special ring some time before he was forced to leave Storybrooke. Luckily they still kept it for him. He planned on tonight being perfect. He goes to a clothing store to get himself a dressy shirt and black dress pants. He changes into them before leaving the store so he's ready from Regina when he gets home. He returns to her and waits at the bottom of the stairs until she's ready. She finally comes down after another twenty minutes, right at five, with her hair done up beautifully and her makeup light and classy. She holds the railing as she slowly walks down the steps, wearing a simple black floor length dress with long sleeves and an open back. Robin was stunned, and fascinated with how from the back, she didn't look pregnant at all. From the front however, it accentuated her beautiful baby bump. She reaches the bottom of the stairs and smiles happily up at Robin, who's mouth was agape.

"Ready to go?" She asks softly.

As Robin saw her come down the stairs, his breath went away. He couldn't inhale, he couldn't comprehend what we was seeing. She was absolutely gorgeous. "You look absolutely incredible" he smiles wide. "These are for you" he presents her with the roses and chocolate from behind his back and give them to her before kissing her tenderly on the cheek.

She gasps lightly "wow... Thank you.., these are just..." She smells the roses and sighs happily. They're just gorgeous" she sighs happily and looks at him over the top of the bouquet, batting her dark eyelashes at him. "You look wonderful" she whispers and kisses him softly

"Thank you my love" he smiles down at her and returns the kiss. "Shall we go? We wouldn't want to miss our reservations" he smiles and takes her hand.

"You even made reservations? Wow" she chuckles and puts the flowers and chocolates on the counter and slips on her heels that she looks so much and clings to his arm and walks outside with him, smiling happily and casually thinking about how much she loves him. They walk down the block just a little ways to Regina's favourite Italian restaurant, that he made a point to memorize right from the get go. As they walk inside, the hostess recognizes Robin right away and and takes them both to a back room. They were the only two in it. She leads them to a table set up with a lit candle. He pulls her chair out for her, something he was dying to do, then motions her to it. "Milady?" He says softly with a smile.

Regina's cheeks get rosy again as she takes her seat and gets tucked in, then lays a napkin across her lap. "I can't believe you've done all this for me, it means absolutely everything" she could barely breathe around him, he made her so weak. He kisses her head before walking to the other side of the table to take his seat "I would do anything for you my love" he reaches across the table to take her soft hand. She squeezes his hand back and rubs her thumb across his knuckles. "You know I love you more than anything.... and I mean it" she just stares at him in complete awe, she truly was utterly and irrevocably in love with him.

"I know, and I love you more than life itself" he brings her hand to his lips and brushes them gently over her knuckles ever so softly. He knew that he would never love another woman, he was madly and desperately in love with her. He made it his mission to see her treated like a queen every day, and that's exactly what he planned on doing.

After a few moments a waitress comes to take their orders. Regina gives hers, then Robin. She also offers them wine, which Regina kindly declines. She was so proud to be having a baby with this kind and honest man sitting across from her, she wanted to tell everyone she met that she's having his baby. When the waitress leaves Regina brings Robins rough and callused warm hand to her lips and just covers it in gentle kisses. She wanted his lips, but his hand would do for now.

Robin however didn't find the hand kissing enough. He slowly leans across the table and lifts her chins and plants a soft and chaste kiss on her lips. He just couldn't help it. If he could kiss her forever he would not hesitate, she was so beyond beautiful he couldn't wrap his head around how someone like her, fell in love with him; a petty thief.

"Mmm what would you like to do when we get out of here?" She whispers against his lips, getting goosebumps from that kiss. She kisses him again then sits back down and and sips her wine substitute. "It's a surprise" Robin stays in a singsongy voice and smirks. He sips his wine substitute too as the waitress comes back with their meals. They both hum in awe at the smells and lick their lips. "Wow it looks delicious" Regina grins the gasps "oh pickles!!!" She exclaims and giggles in amusement as the waitress sets them in a little bowl to the side for her. Regina lived for pickles at the moment, and was typically a cranky mess without them. She thanks the waitress before she leaves then meets Robin's eyes. "I can't thank you enough for this night, it's been so amazing already, I love being with you, I'm not even sure how I lasted the last six months without you" she sighs.

Robin lights up "you're welcome for those pickles" he chuckles and gazes into her stunning eyes "I don't know how I made it without you either. Any time spend with you is just the best of my life" he kisses her knuckles then let's go to eat so they could get out of there. He was thrilled about finally asking her to marry him, this was going to be the best night of his entire life. He would finally get to make her Regina Locksley. His Regina Locksley. Forever. He just couldn't wipe the grin off his face.

Regina eats slowly, savouring her delicious spaghetti, not noticing robins rush. She stabs her fork through a meatball and feeds it to him, or attempts to anyways. It hit him in the nose, leaving red sauce on him. Regina just giggles hysterically. "I'm sorry honey, you look like Rudolph!" She exclaims. Not something she would typically do, she was always so sophisticated and classy, but she didn't feel the need to be around Robin. He relaxed her more than anything.

He just laughs and wipes his nose off with a napkin. "It's quite alright" he grins and just plays along with her, reenacting lady and the tramp with her spaghetti. He smiles against her lips when he reaches them. She giggles and goes beet red, she found him so adorable and sweet she thought she'd explode. She quickly goes back to eating so they can go for that walk. Once they're finished, Robin pays for the meal and help his girl up and walks her outside.

"Thank you for dinner, your amazing I hope you know that" she kisses robins cheek and clings to his arm and as they walk slowly together. They walk by the pet store and stop and watch the little husky puppies playing in the window for a while. Robin could see in Regina's face that she wanted one. "Maybe one day we will get one" he smiles at her an watching them play and yip. They watch for a while then continue their walk that leads to the forest, the spot where Regina first kissed him. There were amazing memories there and they were about to make another. "Look familiar?" Robin smirks and turns Regina to face him.

"Of course, I'm so glad I did that, that night, if I hadn't my life never would have taken such an amazing turn" she smiles up at him. Even in heels she was shorter than him. She had no choice but to look up at him.

At that moment Robin gets down on his knee in front of her. It was finally the moment he'd been waiting for. "Regina, when I first met you, the first thing I thought was how gorgeous you were. You captivated me with your beauty, took my breath away and I hadn't even talked to you yet. When I did, I knew. I knew that one day I would have your heart, in more ways than one" he chuckles at the memory. "I was falling for you fast, even with your snappy one liners toward me. Just one of the many things I love about you. When you trusted me with your heart, and I let you down, I was broken. I thought I would lose you forever. But when you came back here to this very spot and kissed me, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Regina you are my heart, my soul, my life, my world, my everything. Without you I could never go on. I promise to love you with everything I have for the rest of my life" he pulls out a tiny black box and opens it to reveal the special ring "Regina Mills, please, make me the happiest man on earth, and be my wife" he asks softly. Regina stares down at him with wide teary eyes and in utter disbelief as her bottom lip quivers "y-yes, oh my god yes" she squeaks and sobs right away, this caught her so off guard her heart was racing. But she's never been happier in her life. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him too. She knew that now for sure, and make him as happy as he made her.

Robin stands up and gently slides the diamond ring on her finger and pulls her into a tight hug "I love you so much Regina" he whispers in her ear as tears form in his own eyes.

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