Chapter 6

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James' POV

Harold: Hey, do you maybe wanna visit the anime convention? I was thinking that you might be curious about what the animetronics are like during the day. It's alright if you don't wanna come.

Me: Um, yeah, I can come with! Sounds great to me!

Harold: Good! I'll take you and Marco there when I get back, alright?

Me: Sounds like a plan! :)

I put away my phone and got a Pepsi from the fridge. I sat down at the table, with Marco sitting on my left, playing Minecraft. "Hey dude, check this out!" Marco told me, pointing at his laptop. I looked at at the screen, seeing that he built three huge pixel arts of Mario, Pikachu, and Megaman. "Wow, cool!" I complimented him, "Where did you learn to build all those?" "I watched some tutorials on YouTube and studied some pixel art templates." he replied.

After thirty minutes, we both heard a car parking outside our house. Harold is home. He opened the door, saying, "Hey guys, I'm back!" "Sup man?" Marco asked as I said hi to him. "Are you guys ready to go?" he asked. Me and Marco nodded. He pauses and saves his game, turning off his laptop. I get my bag and headed to the car.


After a long drive, we made it to the convention. The three of us stepped out of the car, and walked to the convention. "Wow, they look amazing!" I said, admiring the outfits on the animetronics. Freddy is wearing a tuxedo t-shirt, along with black pants and dress shoes. Bonnie had on a red and white plaid polo shirt, with some blue jeans and sneakers. And so on, they look very nice. The animetronics sang Japanese pop music, and behind them was a large screen showing the Japanese lyrics, and the English ones on the bottom so people could understand. "Isn't it amazing that they have great performance?" Harold asked me. I nodded, reading the English lyrics. "Hey follow me!" He gestured me to some familiar green curtains. I followed him, while Marco stayed at the table.

"This new animetronic just arrived yesterday," Harold told me, "She's supposed to be like, the twin sister of Foxy, but with a much more different appearance and personality. And she's still being worked on, as you can see here." He pointed to a sign that says, 'Sorry! Animetronic work in progress!' "The company hadn't sent me the information about her yet, but luckily, they sent me a picture of her." he said pulling out his phone and showing me the photo of the animetronic. He handed me his phone. It showed an animetronic that looked like Foxy, but she had snow white fur, Foxy's amber eyes, but they were brighter. Her white hair appears to be a mixture of Foxy's hairstyle and Bonnie's hairstyle, and her tail was more bushier. She even has a pink frilly bow tie, pink chest fur, pink panties, and hot pink rosy cheeks. Man! She looks more prettier than Foxy! She appears to have a shy look on her face, which made her look cute. "She looks amazing! And quite cute too!" I told Harold with a smile. "I know right?" he replied, "This is one of the best designs our new night guard came up with yet! And I know what you're thinking about "new nightguard". No we are not gonna replace you, we're gonna include a new assistant for you on your night shifts! Boss told me he goes by the name, "Foregoingsonicboom", but I'm sure he'll come in handy for you on your nightshifts."

Wow. I'm gonna have another person to work with me on my nightshift? That sounds awesome! "Yeah, that would be great!" I told Harold with another smile. He nodded back, and we headed back to the table.

???'s POV
I've heard what Mr. Guard said about me! He. Said. That. I'm. CUTE!!! HE SAID THAT IM CUTE! I was so thrilled to hear that, I bet he thinks I look more pretty than Foxy! It almost made me less shy, but I'm still shy though. But it made me more excited to meet Mr. Guard tonight! "I can't wait!" I whispered to myself.

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