Chapter 13: Sleepover!!!!

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Hi,Natherly think there is nothing inportant to tell..Bye...
Sakura Pov
I told the maids to clean the bigger room and fill it with white soft matress,thick and warm blanket,soft pillow and soft bedspread. I told them to arrange it round and at the middle of it will be the biggest night lamp.Meanwhile,me and other are at the swimming pool play but not swimming.Me and the girls already change into short pant and t-shirt.The boys not chamge their cloth but they not wear t-shirt and can see the arbs..

Sasuke:Hey,sweetie.Come here.

He patted his laps and command to seat.So,I sit on his laps and the other still make a love drama with their partner.

Sasuke:You're so damn,sexy with this outfit.Luckily,they are my friend,if not I will never allow you to wear this.

He hug me from behind and kiss my neck.


I punch his arm playfully.

Sasuke:Sweetie,why did you have a very fairest skin and it look different from the other girl?Example,Hinata has fairer skin but you more fairer than her.

Sakura:Cause I half blood child.

He look at me confuse expression.

Sasuke:What is your blood mixture?

Sakura:Japanese,Korean and Britain.

Sasuke:*Sigh*that why your brother have a similar face and hair likes the west people.

Sakura:In your opinion,I mostly like Japanise,Korean or Britain.

Sasuke:Mostly like angel.

He chuckle at me and I tickle him on waist.

Sasuke:S-stop...o-okay..I surrounded.

He put up his hand up thats mean I win.

Sasuke:You mostly look like britain and a little bit korean.But,your life style mostly like japanese.


I see that Tenten and Neji standing beside the pool.

Sakura:Sasuke_kun,lets us push them into the pool.

Sasuke:You're so naughty.

Two of us slowly walk to them and I count until three and push them.


We push them and they collaps in the pool.Its was so fun when Tenten and Neji shout.

Neji:You're so dead,Uchiha.

Tenten:I'll eat you alive,Sakura..

I still laugh but someone just push me and him into the pool.I guest it is Naruto and Hinata.They keep laughing at us like crazy.

Sasuke:You're going to die,Naruto!!!

He hide behind Hinata and ShikaIno already at their back.Slowly,ShikaIno push them into the pool but Naruto catch Shikamaru Wrist while Shika hold Ino hand.Four of them collaps in the pool and we all laugh.

Ino:This is the best sleepover ever!!!


We play all the game in the pool until evening.Then,we tale a nice bath and change the cloth.Ready for the next activities....barbeque.We gather at the living room cause I want to give everyone job...

Sakura:Alright,the boy will grill meat and the girl will cook a dinner.


Sakura:Lets go....

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