Hi again...

8 0 2

Well hi. Do you remember me. Probably not but well i don't know. Anyway my life has still been a disaster. I still see them. There everywhere. I see and hear them. And now I will tell a terrible tale of how they ruined my life my life was never normal my life was never great but they made it worse and worse into I totally wound up in hell

(Jane's POV)

Oh I swear to god I thought . Right now I'm just in math class but it's not the math that's stressing me out no because I thought it was a good idea to practice my drawings mostly hands. I'm not a natural at drawing I'm pretty bad at drawing so I have kinda given up a long time ago but these fucking hands are getting on my last nerve. I decided to take a break from drawing them and just doodle. I ran my hands through my long light brown hair and looked up at the class. Then in that split moment I saw something I'm not sure what but it was there. I rubbed my eyes and looked again but nothing was there. It was on someones back, I think. I don't know how describe it. I quickly grabbed my pencil and instantly drawing the creature. It was more smokey not like a light gray or pure black. It had a ridged back and what it looked like it was hunched over with the skinniest arms I have ever seen and the skin was wrapped tightly around the bones. Ugh I'm becoming delusional. At that last thought the bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch. I had a couple friends but most when entering high school left to other groups seeing as since us leaving middle school and going into high school there are kids we don't know it's only natural to join or make new groups. Especially since in middle school our group was made up of the outcasts at school. I really one have 5 friends it's still good amount two have been with me since elementary school and the other three we met in 6th grade of middle school.

"Hey guys," I said sitting down at my table of friends


Cliffhanger xD not a very good one Hello xD sorry for the really short chapter I just wanted this to get done and published before I got to lazy or just forgot xD anyway not much to say xD Bai

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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