I'm Sorry

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Sebastian's POV:

"Tom?" I said. "Sebastian, oh hey." Tom said awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" Marilyn said. "I-I-I, was just coming to see how are you were doing."

"Well, I'm fine. You can go now." "Actually I'm going to go now, I'll call you." Tom said grabbing his stuff. "Bye baby." he said giving her a kiss. "Bye."

Tom walked out the door awkwardly. "Why are you acting this way Marilyn?"

"I got fired last night, Seb."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said. "Why didn't you call me?" I asked. She scoffed, "I did call you. 5 times. No answer." Oh shit. "Oh God," I ran my hands through my hair, "I'm so sorry, they had called me back on set and-"

"You know what, just forget about it." she said walking to her room. "Wait!" I called running towards her. She groaned turning around, "Let me make it up to you." She crossed her arms around her chest. "Please." I said. She sighed, "Fine."

I let out a sigh in relief. "Pixar movies and ice cream?" I said. She laughed, "I knew you would say that. Yeah sure."


This was short sorry :/ hoping you guys like this story so far :) comments, votes, and feedback would be great ^_^

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