Before Death Part 1

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Maxima(Angelica's Mother)

When my daughter got home, we were in the kitchen. When Angelica saw the servant of the Lord, she said, "May the Lord bless you." The man of God responded, "God bless you. Are you ready? For today is the day that the Lord will take you, at 4 PM." She just stood there, astonished that the Lord had granted her request.


When I heard this I said, "Amen...but I don't want to die, I can't die! No, Lord, I'm afraid, very much afraid, terrified!" The servant of the Lord said, "Let's pray that your fear will leave now in the name of our Lord." I said, "Amen" and we prayed. Soon I felt all fear leave me, and an indescribable joy came, thinking that death was the best thing that could happen to me! I started to smile and laugh while everyone was looking at me. They could all see that I went from being dismal to joyful. I was smiling, jumping and singing.


Everyone started laughing and asked, "Why are you behaving like this instead of being sad, you're happy, you're joyful?" I told them, "Of course: I'm going to see the Lord, I'm going to be with Him, but I don't know if I'll be coming back so I want to give away all my things." They all stared at me and asked, "You're going to give away all your belongings?" My Mom's eyes were wide open in surprise!


My daughter started giving her things away. She gave everything away, everything! Our church sisters were with us, as usual, and she gave something to every one of them. When I questioned her intentions, she said, "If I return, they can give everything back to me, but if I don't come back, then they can keep everything."


I can imagine how sad my Mom must have felt when I said that. But I felt so happy, that I started giving everything away: my clothes, my bed, my cell phone, everything, with one condition: If I come back, everything must be returned to me. They all started laughing.


She was very determined, but as a mother I felt so much sorrow. It wasn't easy. I wondered, "Lord when the moment comes, how will it be?" I couldn't understand. As they started praying, I was arranging thing in the house. They said, "sister, come let's pray." But I replied, "You go on, I will join you shortly. Just let me finish this task."


They were all observing me as we prayed. I prayed, "Lord, I want to do Your will. You're not a man that You would lie or repent, I know You are real. If I am going to fail You, then it's best if You just take me with You; but If I am going to do Your will, then bring me back, but help me say the truth, prepare me, help me to preach and to tell people to repent." That was my shortest prayer. I told this to the servant of the Lord and said, "Don't tell my Mom what I said to the Lord." He replied, "I won't tell her now, but once the Lord has taken you, I'll tell her." We continued praying and came together in a prayer circle.


At 3:30 PM, the Lord told His servant to anoint my daughter. So some of us went into the room and anointed her. He gave us two minutes to anoint her all over, from her hair down, everything, all her body. She was fully anointed.

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