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I shot bolt upright. I was breathing short, heavy breaths. My eyes quickly shot around the room, checking that I was back home. That was weird... I had never had a dream like that before.

Wait, that couldn’t have been a dream. I remember going to my friends house, her taking me home, and getting myself a drink before going to sleep.

Suddenly, my eyes caught on the human figure that was sat in the chair at my desk.

They were looking towards me, watching my every move.

My eyes quickly adjusted to the dark to reveal their features.

The person had dark hair, and pale skin, making their red eyes stand out most.

Woven into their irises were strands of gold that stood out against the red.

His suit was black and his shirt was white and had no creases.

He looked allot like the man I had seen in my dream.

He rose from his chair, and began walking over, but slowly, like how you’d approach a horse so that they wouldn’t get spooked.

Then, he carefully sat beside me on my bed, not once tearing his eyes from mine. And then he reached out and snapped my neck in one smooth, swift move.

“Good night, Sienna.” He whispered.

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