I'am Done

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I'm don trying to impress people because it don't matter what they say or think so at the end of the day they aren't GOD they can't judge me and I'm done with having fake friends that talk about me behind my back and then be all in my face I try to respect everybody and treat them right but how can you okay like moody he talked about charity and then next thing you know he back in her face and that's being fake and so I found out that he was talking about me behind my back but you know we like real good friends and I didn't think he would do some shit like that like we supposed to be brothers and I was betrayed not by him but other peopl as well but it all good because if he did he did if he didn't he didn't but it's my choice whether we get back cool or not and Phat another try to talk about me then want my answer what kind of mess is that like for real and then he mad cause he think me Liah go together but we just real good friend but if phat mad he just mad and I'm gone let him think it to I be back for or my enemy chandler coming back wait more is coming soon

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