Chapter 12

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Okay, let's start this chapter with saying thank you!
Thank you for 540+ reads on this story, and thank you to the almost 100 people that has read the Prologue, thank you so much! Ily all ❤

Okay, so now that I got that off my chest, here you go, Chapter 12 of
☁ You're My Cloud ☁

He kneels down on one knee and pull out a box, with a shiny ring in it.
Jc: Karen, will you marry me?
Karen: Oh My God Jc!! Yes!! Of course I will!
Our lips meet in a passionate kiss. We let go of eachother, he grab my hand, and slide the ring on my finger.
I start crying, tears of happiness of course.
Jc: Please don't cry, I can't stand seeing you cry!
Karen: Jc, they are tears of happiness!
Jc: I know, he says and wipes the tears away with his fingers. I smile to him, and he smiles back to me. We kiss again, and I smile within the kiss.
I am now Jc's fiance, OMG!!
Jc: I Love You Karen, you don't understand how much I love you!
Karen: I Love You Too Jc!
I look around me at my surroundings, we are sitting on a picnicblanket by the Hollywood sign. We are looking at all of the La citylights. Of course it's beautiful.

Suddenly I am shaken around, and I am in a car, What the...?
I am sitting next to Jc, who is shaking me.
Jc: Wake up sleepyhead! He says and kisses the top of my head. I look up at him, and he smile at me.
I look down at my ringfinger, but no ring there. Oh, it was just a dream.
Karen: How long have I been asleep?
Jc: For about an hour or so.
Karen: Oh, sorry!
Jc: What are you apologising for?
Karen: For falling asleep in your arms, I must have been a pain in the ass.
Jc: No you were not a pain in the ass, it was my pleasure! You were so cute while you were asleep though.
I blush , thinking if I've said something embarrasing in my dreams, and I look down at my ringfinger again.

Jc's P.O.V
Karen has been looking down at her ringfinger a couple of times.
Jc: Karen, did you dream something weird?
Karen: Not weird...... but.... amazing.
She blushed.
Jc: I hope that it wasn't about another guy?
Karen: Of course it wasn't dummy.

Karen's P.O.V
Jc: I hope that it wasn't about another guy?
Karen: Of course it wasn't dummy.
I kissed Jc's cheek, and he turned his head, so I kissed him on the lips.
Jc: Yes, this time it worked!
Karen: You are so desperate for a kiss aren't you?
Jc: I wouldn't call it desperate, just really want a kiss so bad?
Karen: You mean desperate.
Jc: Sigh, Yup.
He held my cheek, and leaned in to kiss me, and I let him.
Jc and I kissed for awhile, until someone cleared their throat, it was Trevor.
Jc: Someone's a little bit awkward that we are kissing. Trevor, have you not seen a couple kissing before?
Trevor: All of us are waiting outside for you two.
I look out of the carwindow to see an amazing view.
We climb out of the car and I stand with Jc's arm around my waist, leaning against Ricky's car.
I stand on my tippietoes and kiss his cheek. I look around me at my surroundings, and I can see the Hollywood sign in the distance.
Karen: I'm psychic.
Jc: What?
Karen: Nothing.
I giggle and walk suspiciously away.
Jc catches up to me, picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.
Karen: Jc put me down!!
Jc: Nope.
I start kicking and moving around.
Karen: Jc, put me down, please!
Jc: Nope, not until you tell me why you're psychic.
Karen: I just am.
Jc: That was not a real answer.
I laugh.
Jc: You tell me, why you are psychic, or else, I'll throw you off this cliff.
Karen: Yeah, sure that you'll do that, your new girlfriend, murdered, thrown off this cliff. I laugh.
Connor: Karen, you never know about this guy. He can do stuff like that. Have you not seen the last house tour, the thing that we found, you remember?
Jc: I thought that we would let that thing go, never talk about it anymore, you remember that, Connor?
Connor: It does not directly mean that he will throw you off the cliff though.
There is silence for a few seconds before we all burst into laughter.

Karen: Okay, I'll tell you, now put me down.
He put me down.
Karen: I'm psychic, because... but you can't tell anybody, okay?
Jc: Okay.
Karen I'm psychic because....
I start to whisper in his ear.
Karen: I am.... A TURTLE!
I say and run away, laughing.
Jc: Hey that was not fair!
He catches up to me and he picks me up by my waist.
Jc: Now you tell me.
Karen: Fine.
He puts me down.

Karen: I dreamt of you and I, and we were here together. It was really romantic too..... I look down at my ringfinger again. I think he'll understand what I mean by that.
He looks down at my finger then up to my eyes.
Jc: Oh, that's why you were looking at your ringfinger before.
I nod.

Karen: But I don't wanna go that fast though.
Jc: No, that's too fast, we have only "known" eachother for five days
Jc: But I love you though.
Karen: Naww, I love you too.
I stand on my tippietoes to kiss him, but he picks me up by my waist and kisses me on the lips.
Sam: Can you hurry up, or?
We've been waiting for awhile now.

We both look at Sam, then Jc puts me down, takes my hand in his, and together we start to walk towards the Hollywood sign.

Thank you for reading this chapter, Ily all so much, and...
Stay Cloudy ☁
/Karen ❤

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