The place that does not Exist

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  • Dedicated to Meg, who has always seen the hope where I have not

I'm done,

Done with hope and lost love,

Done with despair and heartbreak,

Done with all the problems and cruelty,

I just want to be left alone,

I'm done with the longing and wishing,

The reaching and yearning,

Done with the egos and stupidity,

The hunger for peace,

A place to belong,

Give me a place to be me,

To be free of judgment and accusations,

To live in peace and do what I wish,

To be alone with my words and nature, 

That place my heart has wanted to go,

A place free of trouble,

Where kind people dance and sing,

But only at daybreak,

A place where magic is possible but beautiful,

Free of slavery and killings,

Thieves and abuse,

Give me a place where I can take my friends and family,

To live together and be joyful,

A place where everyone can do what they were meant to do,

Jobs that they enjoy,

And where everyone does their fair share,

I'm done with ignorance and arrogance,

I want to be free,

And live in a place,

That does not exist... 

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