Chapter 1

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-Back 4 months-

"Ugh, I'll always hate the first day of school" I mumbled as I walked up the steps to Hunter Valley High. I walked in the door and all I see is girls giggling and comparing there tans from the summer, but a lot of them looks obviously fake.

I walked down the hall to the main office and as I was walking into the office I ran into some random person. "Ouch!" I screeched as I hit the floor. When I landed on the floor, I ended up hitting my head off the floor. Instantly, the person I had run into apologized " oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Here let me help you up." He reached his hand down to me. We sat there for a little until he finally said " well we're going to be late for class if you sit there any longer." I finally looked up and saw who I had ran into. He was the most gorgeous guy ever! I just sat there again staring. "Ummm, if your not gonna let me help you, I'm gonna go to my class" he said. "Oh!" I exclaimed.

I reached my hand up and he clasped it in his and pulled me up to my feet. "Woah" I said as I swayed back and forth. " I feel really dizzy." I reached up and put my hand on my forehead. He put his arm around me to keep me steady " well then, looks like we are taking a trip to the nurses office eh?" He asked and winked at me. I just looked up at his face with a pleading look and he took that as a yes.

He just nodded his head and bent down and picked up my bag and slung it over his shoulder, and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head against his shoulder. I heard a deep low laugh come from him. I just smiled and snuggled in deeper.

It seemed like forever till we got to the nurses office, not that I object on that, I just really needed to lie down. He brought me into her office, "oh dear! What happened to you sweetie?" The nurse said. Before I could reply, the guy holding me did for me " I was leaving the main office, and she was just coming in, and we kinda ran into each other. And when she landed on the floor, she whacked her head off the floor." "Oh! Well put her on the cot over there then, Mr.?" She said. " Gillon. Nick Gillon." He replied. "Alright. Please put her on the cot Mr.Gillon" she replied. Nick took me over to the closest cot and gently layer me down. I rested my head against the pillow and sighed.

The nurse turned to Nick and said " Mr.Gillon, you can go to class now. I'll take care of Miss.Delatore." Nick looked over at me and all I did was nod. He turned around and left the office. The nurse walked over to me and asked me the usual questions, what my name was, where I was, how old I was, and what school I went to. I answered them all perfectly, so she just gave me some Tylenol for the pain and sent me on my way to my next class.

I picked up my bag and walked out of the office, and instantly, Nick was at my side. I looked up at him, and asked " aren't you suppose to be in class?" He looked at his watch " actually, first period is basically over, so I decided to wait out in the hall for you" he replied and gave me a sexy grin. I just looked up at him and smiled. I went to my locker and Nick followed me the whole way there. I unlocked my lock and grabbed out my English book. I shut my locker and instantly say Nicks face " what would you like? I asked with a sarcastic tone as I put my hadn on my hip. " Oh nothing, but we really should be getting to class, what class do you have next? " he said and gave my one of his stupid grins. " I guess. And English." I replied. " Great! Me too!" he replied. " We'll walk there together then, since I'm new and have no clue where it is." I just gave a slight nod of my head and locked up my locker.

 As soon as I was done, Nick put his arm around my shoulder. I just looked up and he smiled at me, I looked down the hall way " shall we get walking to class before we miss another one?" I asked with a little bit of flirt in my voice. "Yes, we shall" he replied. So we walked all the walk to class together.

-Nick's POV-

"I had found her" I thought to myself as we walked to class. Isabella Delatore. The girl with the power to help me take over the world. And I already basically had her wrapped around my finger. And once she trusts me enough, I'll tell her what I am, and why I came for her. And I'm hoping, that when I do, she'll go along with my plan and join me. I got taken out of my thoughts when Isabella said " and here's the English class room." " Alright, thanks" I replied, smiling at her. " Anytime" she replied and smiled back.

-Hey everyone! So what do you think so far? Sorry about Nicks short POV. But I just had to put that little bit in there to keep you guys wondering ;) And what do you guys think when NIck talked about Isa having the "power"?? Anyways! Let me know what you think on the book! Comment and Vote! I'll keep updating it as many times as I can get on! Oh! quick question for any of you, how do you post pics along with your story? I can't figure it out. I tried uploading one, but it says its not the right format? :/ Anyways, send me a message letting me know! Thanks! Peace! <3->

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