Ride away, ride away,
Mimi shall ride.
And she shall have walker Dave tied to one side,
And she shall have walker Bob tied to the other.
And so Mimi travels with both her brothers.~ Alicia Van Noycall
Poetry Dark or Scary or Unique
PoetryThis poetry you will read, don't belong to me. I found them and wanted to share. The people who wrote them, their names will be below them. I have found a few Tim Berton, Edgar Allen Poe, and a few CreepyPastas to. They're kinda right for Hallowee...
Apocalyptic Nursery Rhymes
Ride away, ride away,
Mimi shall ride.
And she shall have walker Dave tied to one side,
And she shall have walker Bob tied to the other.
And so Mimi travels with both her brothers.~ Alicia Van Noycall