Yuri Holmes1 - Yulsic (8),(9),(10)

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Case 8 - Disappeared

Victoria wore on her glove .

" Want to touch me ? Not a chance even if you're dead . " She said to the cold body of Charles .

She took a look of the note Professor H gave her and crumpled it.

Victoria unbuttoned Charles shirt and ran her hand through his belly .

" What a waste when all the great wine and delicacy ends up here . " Victoria said and slit opened his stomach .

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" That was expensive . " Jessica complained .

" Its worth it if we can have a glance of the Sancy Saphire . And. I was the one who paid . " Yuri said .

" Are you complaining ? " Jessica retorted .

" Not at all . " Yuri replied with her infamous smile .

Yuri and Jessica walked in the hallway of London Museum and joined Taeyeon and Tiffany who were already viewing the exhibit .

" It's .. beyond this world . " Tiffany described the Gem before them .

" No wonder this attract crimes . But nothing would get pass the tight security we set up . " Taeyeon said confidently .

Yuri took out her walking stick again and her pocket watch .

Suddenly the light went off and the sound of an explosion was heard .

Screams and commotions started .

" Keep still everyone ! " Taeyeon shouted .

After 3 minutes the lights came on and Jessica coughed from the smoke .

When she looked to her side , Yuri was gone . Disappeared.

" Tete ! The sapphire ! Its gone ! " Tiffany said and everyone in the hall was shocked .

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After being carefully inspected , like all other guests at the museum before allowed to leaved , Jessica went home .

And on the way back she was extremely puzzled about where , how , and why Yuri disappeared like that .

Jessica opened the apartments door and there Yuri was , taking her apron off and there was steak on the table .

" Dinner's ready . " Yuri said and smiled .

- End -

Case 9 - Deduction

The next day Taeyeon came to the apartment and laid out the various photos taken at the museum at the coffee table .

Jessica and Tiffany were sitting at the dining table , looking at the upcoming fashion show booklet .

Yuri was sitting in her armchair , blowing her windpipe with her eyes closed.

" Let me update you with our findings first . " Taeyeon said but Yuri lifted her right hand to stop her .

" I can do it myself . " Yuri said and continued .

" All the guests were checked before leaving the museum but no one has the sapphire . And there was 2 person missing from the list of people who came in the museum including myself . Which means the other person is the criminal . "

Taeyeon nodded her head .

" Now I shall explain how and why I disappear from the museum . " Yuri said , opend her eyes and stood up .

And Jessica and Tiffany were already sitting beside Taeyeon on the couch .

" Firstly . Jessica do you remember the explosion I made in my room ? " Yuri asked .

Jessica nodded and suddenly remembered something .

" It's the same as the one in the museum ! " She exclaimed .

" That's right .Dot you find it weird that during the blackout a week ago nothing was stolen . I figured that it was an rehersal for the crime to come . " Yuri said with a smile and blew her windpipe.

" Its my new invention , the Movement in the dark detection power bomb. When the lights went off in the museum I immediately threw the bomb and pt on my special glasses which made me able to see the movements of the powder , which will move along with the movements of the people . The place where the powder movement is where the person moves most , which is unusual in the dark , and so I deduced is the criminal . And thus I followed the criminal . " Yuri said .

" And how could you do that actively in the dark ? " Tiffany asked curiously .

Yuri smiled and blew her windpipe .

" I shall explain that . By using the walking stick that Sica thinks is embarrassing , I tapped my way through , getting peoples feet out of the way and also feel my way through to the criminal . And as expected , there was an underground tunnel just beside the sapphire's showcase . Using the torchlight I installed on the tip of my walking stick I pursued the criminal through the tunnel. " Yuri said .

" And ? ! " Taeyeon asked anxiously .

" And . I lost her . " Yuri answered calmly.

" Her ? The criminal is a woman ? " Jessica asked .

" Yes . When we were running in the tunnel , the sound she made while running revealed her weight , the criminal should be a woman . " Yuri said and looked at the trio who were wide mouthed by the time .

" We shall continue later . I'm hungry . Steak anyone ? " Yuri asked and smiled .

-End -

Case 10 - Murder

The case of Sancy Sapphire was still fresh when another horrible crime happened .

Duke Charles was murdered . In his villa , robbed and stabbed .

Yuri sat at the table with Lady Victoria while Jessica was in the room examining the corpse , and Taeyeon collecting evidences from the scene.

Victoria was crying , rather harshly and Yuri waited till she calmed down abit before she started with the questioning .

" Victoria . Tell me what happened . " Yuri said and Victoria held on to Yuri's hand as Jessica came out of the room .

" It .. was almost midnight . Charles told me he had to look at some documents in the study and so I was going to sleep first .. But .. but just when I was about to go to bed I heard a scream ..a terrible scream from the study .. And I rushed to the study .. And ..and .. I found Charles .. on the floor ..in blood .. I went to him .. he said someone took his family loom .. he fought with the person .. and with that ..he .. he died ! Oh Charles !" Victoria wept and leaned on Yuri .

Yuri sighed and patted on Victoria's back to comfort her .. not noticing that Jessica was looking at them , arms crossed and heart feeling most uncomfortable .

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Yuri and Jessica left the villa and walk in the yard across it .

Yuri was puffing her pipe and thinking hard .

" Full of loopholes . " Jessica heard Yuri said to herself .

They got in the carriage and Jessica sat opposite Yuri .

Yuri was drowning in her own thoughts , not noticing that Jessica was looking at her while holding a newspapers up .

Jessica could felt something was not right with herself . She looked across at Yuri .. why should she care for such an eccentric flirty beefy ******* .

Never .

Then her eyes caught the advertisement on the newspapers .

" Apartment for rent . Princess building at street 13 . "

Jessica thought of Victoria again and kept the newspapers cutting in her briefcase .


Yuri Holmes1 - Yulsic (8),(9),(10)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ