Time Will Tell

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"Now Katherine, promise me that no matter what happens, you know that I love you..." my father quivered as tears rolled down his face.

Suddenly, my father vanished in the dark cloud, and a blurred figure appeared from its midst's. It was hard to tell what it was, but I had a strange sensation that something wasn't right.

I took a step back and clenched my fists, the figure materialized and I found myself staring into a human. It's was crystal blue ones that glistened in the darkness of the cloud. It was looking right into my eyes; my heart was pounding against my chest in terror. The creature had hair the reminded me of a black hole, because it swirled in darkness and sucked in everything around it.

What is this thing? Where am I?

Slowly everything began to fade away, the creature, the cloud, the darkness. I open my sore eyes and found and instead of darkness the place of filled with light, and instead of the creature I found my loving father.

"Bad dream?" My father asked me, chuckling.

I was in complete shock, who was that dark figure? What was the dark cloud?

"Dad, is there any such thing as a dark clouds?"

My father hesitated to answer, like he knew something about the dark cloud...

He was sitting at the edge of my bed, and he looked like he was trying to think of something to say.

It was silent for several seconds, before he finally decided to answer.

He took a deep breath," Katherine, remember the story about Poly?" he asked.

"Yes, of course I remember. The one about the former queen escaping into the darkness and never returned?" I asked confused, what did this have to do with anything?

"That's right, never forget that story." he told with a weak smile.

He planted a kiss on my forehead, and walked out of my room with a concerned look on his face.

I could overhear my father speaking to one of the guards just outside my room. The only words I could make out were, "Darkens...keep her away..."

I knew from that day onward, something in my life is going to change... But what is it?

The last few words I heard my father say were,

"Only time will tell."


The sun always shined through clouds of the Light Kingdom. That's because the light keepers made sure of it, including me. We brought light to the people of the world in order to ensure happiness and joy. Whenever the Earth was threatened by darkness, the light keepers made sure to send only their best, to bring the light back again...

"Ah! What a lovely day." I say as I look up at the perfectly lit sky.

Oh look, some of my fellow Light Keepers! They seem to be going down to spread light and content to the people of the world.

In the distance I could see my beautiful friend Lucy. She waved at me and spread her majestic wings; I guess she was heading down to the earth too.

Lucy was one of the prettiest girls I knew. She had golden brown hair that sparkled in the breeze like a million suns. She was also very skinny and looked just like one of the girls you'd see in one of those human magazines. I wish I could be just like her...

I'm just your typical light keeper, blue eyes and boring brown hair. I guess I'm too tall for my age, but I have little feet. I am also extremely clumsy.

Just the other day, when I was tiptoeing around the palace, I tripped over myself and ran into a very important sculpture. Of course I got grounded but, my father had a good laugh, when I told him it was because of my small feet.

Besides large feet, I have always wanted to get wings. Only light keepers that go to back and forth from the Earth to the palace can have wings. Another cool thing about the light keepers that travel to earth is that the people can't see you. They're invisible, and they can become that little mysterious voice inside their heads too.

The man in charge of the Light Keepers is my father, King Pierre. He always has a smile playing on his lips, and that loving smile always warms me.

Unfortunately, he's in another meeting with the Light council talking about something top secret. I figure it's something that I'm not supposed to know about; hence that's why I can't see him.

But I love him dearly, even though I know he's hiding something from me.

Love is what brought my father and mother together.

My father always tells me stories about how they used to fly down to Earth together as "youngsters". He would also say that they used to combine their powers to bring an even stronger light to Earth.

Where my mother is now? I guess she's dead. Somehow she lost control of her wings and fell, in to a huge city. When my father went to see if she was alright, she was already dead. Her body had been run over, and was flat as the newly paved road. My father was devastated and since then he hasn't visited to Earth.


A/N : Thank you for reading my story! Vote and comment! I would like to thank everyone who supports me throughout this book from editors to co-writers. :)

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