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rileys pov,

I curled my long dark brown hair, and put on a cute floral dress with combat boots, I then put on some makeup, I had naturally wavy long brown hair with blue eyes. I then packed my cute neon pink bag and then went down the stairs and rushed out the door, and quickly hoped In to my cousins red sports car waiting out front, my cousins name was Olivia I was new to canton,MI, I had just moved from new York city With my mother.... "hey!!" Olivia said "hi" I responed quietly back. "ooo cute dress"she said "thanks!" I replied. Eventually she asked hey do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch? " sure!" I said.



After that me and Olivia Talked the whole car ride, and then after what seemed like forever we arrived at school. Right when we got there every body turned and stared and some girls gave my dirty looks and even some guys whistled at us as we walked by and then right when I walked in we got surround by a group of Olivia's friends immediately they all said "HI!!! OLIVIA HAS TOLD US ALL ABOUT YOU RILEY!!" and then I replied "hey...."shortly after that I heard a booming deep voice on an intercom " good morning salem high school hurry up and get to class"after that I asked "who was that??" they all replied "mr.meigr the principle" after that I walked to the office and got my new schedule 1st hour was math ,2 hour science, 3rd hour soc studies and 4th hour was Lang arts, 5th choir ,6th gym after that Olivia said "hey I have math too first hour come on I will show you were to go!!"


When we got to math class I immediately a saw him he had blond hair and beautiful deep blue eyes and right when I walked in he said "hey" I kind of froze I kept looking at his face I didn't think he said hey to me at first in till Olivia finally leaned next to my ear and whispered "riley, Jacob just said 'hey to you'" that's when I finally snapped out of my weird day dream and said "hey my name is riley"after that he responded "my name is Jacob" right after that I heard the bell ring and I took the only seat that was empty and of course it was next to him......


After I took a seat the teacher walked in and went threw the attendance list right when she saw my name she said "Riley West please stand up"so I slowly started to stand and then she said "class this is riley she is new to are school" after that she added in "be nice!"and then she motioned for me to sit down so I did basically she told the class that they will be working on the same thing as yesterday after that she came over to me and said " I hope you understand what we are learning about" all I did was slowly shake my head yes after that she graved a work sheet and said "Jacob will you work on this with riley, please?" and he said "yeah, sure" then she said' "why don't you two work in the study room" that's when I kind of got nervous but I went anyways...


I careful walked with him making sure I didn't bump into anyone along the way....... When we got in there he basically told me all of the answers..... Then we started just to talk in till before we knew math was over..... And after that the day flew by basically well anyway after 4th hour we have lunch and I kind of made a few friends during the day so I asked if they could sit with me at lunch and they said "yeah" I was going to sit with Olivia and her friends and my new friends, there names were alyssa and kayla, alyssa had light red ,long straight hair with beautiful blue eyes alyssa said she was dating a guy named carter, kayla had really pretty short blonde hair with hazel eyes she was dating cooper. so we all sat together and lunch went by pretty fast. alyssa then explained to me that the teachers make us stand out in field and I guess talk, so I talked to Kayla and Alyssa ,Olivia was with us for a while but then she left I didn't really notice were she was in till kayla said "look at Olivia she is following Jacob just like a little puppy..." and then Alyssa said "yeah she always does that" well after lunch the day went by fast at the end of the day Olivia went home early so I ended up having to take the bus.... so when I got to the bus I looked for anyone I know and of course I knew nobody...

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