The warmth of love, The chill of hate, The bitterness of jealousy. These emotions we cannot understand, These emotions we cannot ignore, These emotions we cannot control.
Filled with corruption,
Filled with confusion,
Filled with contempt.
Blinded with mistakes,
Disappointed because of them,
Grieving because you realize how big it was.
The wonderful thoughts of love,
The head aching thoughts of hate,
The unignorable thoughts of jealousy.
The aching pain of a heart break,
The sour taste of a new hatred,
The horrible feeling of envying.
These feeling are all the same,
These feeling are all different,
All these feelings bring pain.
The hopeless romantic,
The angry closet gorilla,
The envying bystander.
These emotions are unpredictable,
These emotions will forever be untamed,
These emotions will always be felt and will last forever.
This causes pain,
This causes joy,
This causes death.
We are only human,
We are weak,
We are strong.
These emotions don't help that fact,
These emotions embraces these facts and nothing more,
These emotions and facts are what make us human.
Holding us back but yet pushing us forward,
Pushing us into a hole,
A hole of ups and downs happiness and sorrow.
A hole keeping us from wondering about the person we like only sort of though,
A hole that's unclimbable until death,
A hole that not only causes death but life.
These emotions all have one thing in common and one only,
This thing in common is unique to us only,
This thing in common is the fact that us as humans can identify these emotions and embrace them.