You're So Dark

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Inspired by the Arctic Monkeys song 'You're So Dark'


St. Earl Cemetery sat squarely at the end of Eerie Lane, an old crumbling road with no exit, and no driveways to turn around in.

Bare grassy lots, abandoned or owned by banks, surrounded the plot of graves for miles, the unkempt yard's greenery tangling itself in the iron fencing that separated the chaos from the rows of neatly placed tombstones.

Around here, when it was dark, it was dark. The blackest pitch of night would hang over this burial ground, the thickest of fogs joining it in wisp's, the thin placements of street lights nearby doing seemingly nothing to help pull the area into sight.

It was an eerie place, hence the road it ended upon, and was rarely visited by the loved ones of those who had passed on and now resided there.

It was the perfect location, a haven for the creatures of the night, somewhere the shadows could lurk freely, where anything could take on the shiver inducing cover of darkness.

And tonight they would use it to their advantage.

A guard stood at the cemetery gates, his thick roped arms crossed in a way that would intimidate most humans, but his purpose was more or less for the human's protection anyway.

He'd been instructed to keep anyone without a pass out of the cemetery, no pass, no entry, no human's allowed.

Trespassers will be beaten.

Humans will be eaten.

That's how it was in this black and red shaded world.

So not a word was spoken as a tall dark figure approached the man, clad in only midnight, leather, and raven blue, the tips of his spiked choker shinning in the moonlight.

He was handsome, his body broad, strong and tall, eyes a piercing pair of blues, but the male by the gate took no interest in the creature, staring straight ahead.

The man who approached grinned widely in a mysteriously malicious way, he could feel his hopeful little snack, it practically in his back pocket, almost within arm's reach, it was not far behind, oh no.

The scent of it made his inside's crawl in desperate need for sustenance, his tongue numb with the thought of how the treat would taste.

Yet for now he ignored the dish, he had business that for the moment took a higher priority.

His time would come, he'd make sure of that.

Flashing his admission card at the large man the dark shadowy male didn't even bother to pause, strolling right in as the eyes of the guard barely grazed the plastic square held out to him.

The thick bodied guard barely nodded, letting the dark man casually stroll past the iron gates, his heavy boots crunching on stones as the worn grey pavement of the road suddenly ceased, becoming a brown-beige stone path.

Long, raven glossed hair flowed freely behind the man as he followed the gravely path, walking a good minute before taking a turn, treading without a care across the human graves, the finely trimmed grass bending submissively beneath his feet.

Sharp cold irises scanned the headstones he passed by, his mind barely registering the names and dates that belonged to the buried strangers, his focus distracted by the sweet treat he knew still followed behind him. An exotic delicacy kept close, cautious, but close. It was far closer than it should have gotten, but it was already too late, the special was on its way.

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