Most Messed Up Memory Lane Ever Part 2

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London, England
Three days after being captured

There were guards everywhere around the building. It seemed to be that they weren't taking any chances. However, neither were we. The moment we got out of there, I called in backup. Getting caught and meeting Grater face to face was scary enough, but we were all shaken from losing Midnight.

'She's not dead,' I kept reminding myself.

Henderson looked at the four of us. "We'll deal with the agents out here, then we'll move on to the ones inside. You four go in while we're doing that. Your mission is to find Agent Trouble and get her out of there. Do not go looking for a fight. If she's still..." he had to stop himself. "I mean, she's probably in bad shape. Try to get in there undetected."

At first, the plan went smoothly. That didn't last long though. We managed to sneak into the building without getting caught, but we soon discovered that the room Trouble was in was most likely the room with three guards at the door.

"What do we do?" Alia asked.

"You guys distract them," Dakota said. She looked grim. "Take them out as quick as possible. Hopefully others won't notice. I'll sneak in and grab Trouble.

I was shocked. "You are willing to miss out on a fight?"

She gave me a look. "Like Henderson said, we don't know what condition Trouble will be in. If she needs to be carried, well, we certainly can't trust Fry to do it now can we?"


"Alright." I nodded at the two girls and we leaped out and attacked the guards. I slowly started backing up, trying to draw them away from the doors. Luckily, Alia noticed and followed my example. Gretchen did as well, but that was probably an accident.

"Uh oh," I heard her say. I shot her a look as I hit the guy hard enough to knock him out.


Gretchen pointed at the ceiling. Video cameras. We were made.

"Um, what do we do?" Alia asked.

"Panic?" Gretchen suggested.

"We don't have time to panic, Trouble needs us!" I snapped.

"Well, she did tell us to get out of here. Shouldn't we honour her wishes?"

I was pretty sure she was kidding, seeing as how she and Midnight are actually best friends, although you never can tell with her. I didn't have time to respond though. Within seconds, all three of us were engaged in battle.

More people were attacking me than the other two, which was good. I'm easily the better and stronger fighter. Gretchen shouting as she struggled to take on her guys was proof of that. However, I'm not invincible and taking on five stronger guys isn't easy. I managed to take down three of them before one of them got the jump on me and threw me hard into a wall. I gasped as I heard at least one of my ribs break, maybe two.

"Moon!" I heard my sister yell. My vision was a little blurred, but I could see her finishing off the other two agents. By the time she was done, my vision was mostly back to normal. I could see blood on my sister's hands and shirt, but I doubted that it was hers. The amount of blood I could see was alarming. I hoped it was mostly from the guards.

"Ugh, I think I broke a few ribs, but I'll live. Where's Trouble?" I asked her. My sister pointed a bit down the hall. I'm fairly sure my heart stopped for a few seconds. I'd never seen someone so bloody in my life, and I'd seen torture victims before. The only ones that I'd seen that looked even close to as bad as her were dead. The only thing that made me believe she was alive was the faint rising and falling of her chest. I couldn't stop the curse that slipped out of my mouth.

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