Why is Dani so distant?

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Amy's pov

I noticed my baby sis Dani, was distant from my other baby sis, Lauren. She and Lauren are always close. So close that they are sugar & spice. I wondered why my baby girls were so far apart at the moment; I had to ask, I went & knocked on Lauren's door; Dani was asleep at 3 or 4 in the afternoon, which isn't normal for a hyper little girl like her. Lauren opened

"Hey Amy, I'm glad you're here, come in, we really need to talk about Dani" she said, it was a shock, almost as if on cue; Lauren knew I, as well as my other sisters wanted to make sure Dani was ok. I entered her room and shut the door behind me

"Amy, what do I do? Dani & I have never been this distant, it's like she does not want anything  to do with me & it worries me. I know it worries you & the other girls too" she said. I shook my head at an easy pace and sat down by her.

"I'm worried too Lauren; she's a little girl still & I've never seen her this sad" I told her.

"Dani isn't a little girl, honestly she's still a young child, I'm 17 only but I'm still older, I miss the hyper active Dani that'd keep me up at night blasting 'drag me down or no control' by one direction, sobbing about how much she misses Zayn, she's just so distant now" Lauren said to me

"Laur, you sound like a mom" I told her; still serious, she let out a chuckle

"I know, I just worry" she said, I nodded..

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