Chapter 1

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Thunder rumbled overhead as the mostly barren street grew darker, lit only by lampposts as the dark clouds grew even blacker with the promise of a storm. A figure quickly ran down the street, heading away from the town seemingly as fat drops of rain fell from the dark sky above. It didn't last long until the figure was lost in the storm, rain blocking his vision and anyone else's as he was in the middle of nowhere now, trees rising up on either side of the street. About five minutes of still running through the rain, he came across a set of iron gates. He grabbed them and tried to open them only to see that they were locked, which drew a few curses from under his breath. He backed up a couple of steps as he lifted a hand to push his blue hair out of his eyes, trying to calculate if he could climb over or not. Though a sound behind him drew his attention more than the gate, causing him to whirl around and scan his green eyes over the dark scenery, the rain making it hard to see. He saw nothing, but he wasn't about to get jumped by anything out there so he turned around and just went to the intercom and banged on the red button, not taking any chances of climbing over and someone seeing him and trying to follow him over. "Si, you bastard! Open up the gates! I'm getting soaked out here!" He snapped into the intercom when a cheery voice had spoke up, almost in a mocking way.

The sound came again, closer, and the blue-haired teen turned around once again to be met with darkness. Just what was out there? Seemingly stalking him? That was his job! "Yo, Jumps, you there?" The voice sounded from the intercom, sounding a little confused if not slightly worried. Jumps tilted his head up to look at the security camera he had installed at the top of the pillar, the red dot blinking to indicate that it was on. "Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Just open the damned gate already before I kill you tonight." He spoke, taking one last glance to the darkness before he faced the gates, waiting for it to open. "It's the butt--" "I know, found it," Si's voice interrupted as the gates made a clicking noise, allowing Jumps to open the gate and quickly shut it behind him as it locked automatically. He then ran over to the front doors of the mansion, having to run another five minutes to even get there from the gates. Once there he opened the door and moved inside to the parlor, a puddle of water forming around him as he shut the door. A sneeze escaped him as he hugged himself, now cold from the air conditioning in the manor. "Si! Get me a bath started! I'm cold!" He called out, shivering slightly with an annoyed scowl on his face. It wasn't too long before a teen, whom was a bit taller than himself, approached with some towels. Jumpers did not move from his spot as he just locked his scowl onto the red-eyed teen's face, having to tilt his head up slightly to look at him. When he felt him drop a towel over his head and then wrap the towels around his body, he let out a puff of air as he shuffled forward and bumped into Si. "Come on, Si... I'm cold and it's raining and I think a weirdo was following me when that's normally my job and I wanna hop in the bath!" He complained to him, lifting his head to look up at him again as he pursed his lips a little in more annoyance.

Si merely rolled in eyes in exasperation and some mild amusement as he just picked up the smaller guy, without his consent and before he could say anything, and just carried the drenched guy, the towels luckily blocking him from mostly getting wet, out of the parlor and further into the house. "What's this about some guy following you now?" He asked him as he glanced down and was only met with an angry look. Thunder rumbled, echoing in the house as Jumpers just clung onto Si as he was carried towards where the bathroom was located. "I don't know for sure, but I just had that feeling someone was watching me, yeah? I mean, that's normally me doing that and I don't get paranoid about stuff like that, so it's got to be some dude following me." Jumpers responded with a huff, being as stubborn as a mule about that noise and that feeling he felt of being followed. And he had wanted to climb over the fence too... Si said nothing as he just subtly shook his head and awkwardly opened the door with one hand as Jumpers was slumped down somewhat, his feet almost touching the ground. He ignored a grumble from the smaller teen and just entered the bathroom and then fully set him down before he went to turn the water on and get it at a hot enough temperature for the blue-haired teen before he'd plug it. Why Jumpers didn't do it on his own, he'd never know.

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