Aphmau's Little Girl

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You were walking around aimlessly in the woods yet again.Being only about three you had no idea what was going on. You did know one thing though.Your name was (Y/N).

Aphmau's POV

'Where did it go?!'I asked myself.A bird had came into my house and taken my bow.Yes I know I am a grow woman but hey a girl has quirks.As I went deeper into the woods I heard weeping so I went in that direction.....

Your POV

'Why don't I have a mama to take care of me? I would behave and not get her upset. Why,d-does every other girl have  a m-m-mama?!!'(You begin to weep)

Aphmau's POV

'What is this child doing out here on here her own?!' I slowly walked up to her and said 'Hey...'

Your POV

I turned around and saw a lady she look very pretty.She said 'Hey' to me and I said 'Hello you look very pretty will you be my mama?'.

Aphmau's POV

I was taken a back by this question coming from this little girl her face was full of hope how could I say no?!

Your POV

'Of course what's your name sweetie?' She said yes!! I have a mama I'm so happy:)!!'My names (Y/N)!' I giggled. 'Well (Y/N) lets go meet your brother' Mama said 'Yay!!!' I yelled this is grate a mama AND brother. My life is so good!

(Time skip brought to you by a not at all lazy writer)
After you met every one in the village you went to play with Alexis.

Levin's POV

Mama said Levin has a little sister. Her name is (Y/N). I love her so much. She lets Levin play with her and helps Zoey with cooking. When Levin is scared he goes into (Y/N) room to make Levin feel happy again.(Y/N) says when she grows up she's going to be just like mama. Thank you mama Levin love you and (Y/N) lots and lots.

*COMPLETED*Aphmau Minecraft Diaries (Levin X Sister Reader) One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now