Chapter 1

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Kira's POV

My hand reaches up to stroke BlazeClaws' neck, feeling his warm, smooth, purple scales beneath my hand. He gives me such courage at times like this. His large clawed feet are scraping the ground in waiting for a command, but he isn't my pet. He is my best friend, companion, my everything. His head snakes down to nuzzle against my side. It's a small gesture, but it carries a lot of weight, it reassures me.

He sits, front claws hanging over the cliff face, and even like this he is as tall as three of me, even though he is not yet fully grown. Large wings draping over his wide shoulders, slightly projected out to the side, thick with solid muscle. He looks intimidating, although this is his casual stance. Dark blue eyes scan the scene before us intently, exploring the slightest details of the landscape, picking out the smallest of movements with ease.

So far, the Orcans have shipped around two tons of dragon flesh and blood to the master Okra. There is nothing we can do to stop this now, but if we work out when they send shipments, it is possible that we can prevent them from succeeding in their delivery from here on out.

One of the Orcans turns it's pointed head and beady little eyes towards us. With it's sharp eyesight it spots Blaze with ease. It screeches an alarm call and runs to The Orcan Sa - the one in charge of the Orcans gathered. "Come on Blaze, time to go" I say through the mind link.

"Yes, they are coming for us " Blaze says back. He sounds calm, strong, no traces of panic in his voice. Without hesitation I leap up the crest of his wing and onto the brown saddle placed in the middle of his broad back.

"Ready ?" He asks, turning his head to see my answer. I nod and Blaze turns around, sprinting to pick up speed. A minute later we are rising up into the air until we are high enough that I could reach up and run my hand through cloud. Within moments the Orcan Sa gives chase, bellowing out a screeching war cry so loud and high pitched it makes my ears sting.

BlazeClaws roars, feeling my pain through the link. His ears are way more sensitive than mine, so he feels double the pain.

Blaze growls furiously at the Orcans. They speed towards us on the back of their Whilderbeast(Wile-der-beast), large, grey, furry, bull like creatures with a sour attitude towards anything not related to sleep or food, so they were already pretty angry, since they were awake and having to use their ragged wings.

Their chunky,fat covered bodies strained to keep them aloft as sticky slivers of greenish white spittle drop onto the creatures roaming the lands below.Blaze takes a sharp turn and begins blowing columns of fire at the advancing Whilderbeast.

A few of the nearest ones cascade down in comets of flame, their riders wailing in anger and pain . The remaining Orcans steer their mounts well clear of Blaze, preferring to attack with short bursts of Gunkel (the foul sludge produced by Whilderbeast) and throwing knives, which Blaze deflects easily. As he smacks a Whilderbeast away with his tail another one splats him with a steaming glob of Gunkel.

Blaze cries out as it seeps through the small gaps between his scales, feeling his pain I gasp, it boils along his scales,prodding the more delicate ones curiously. I yank my bow from my back and notch an arrow, hitting the Orcan between the eyes, he dissipates in a puff of smoke as his confused Whilderbeast squeals and flies to the ground . Around twenty more of the vicious creatures shriek into view and prepare to fire." Blaze, leave it, let's just go" I say. Blaze growls in response and spins around, adding a burst of speed.

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