Chapter 2

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Above is a picture of Shadow

Kira's POV

I look the note up and down a few times to make sure I have read it right, glancing at the wolf as I read. A wolf pup that can decide the future? Why does that sound strange to me? Blaze looks up with a snort and speaks.

" He is just a pup. He says he was carried here by an old woman who has protected him for a few weeks, when he lost his mother"

"Ask him if he will stay here or go" I reply.

Blaze grunts a few more words to the wolf pup and then replies "He says if the 'human person' let's him he would like to stay because the old woman asked him to at the 'Kiras' request". The pup turns its furry black head towards me, as if it has heard our speech and stumbles to me, its light blue eyes scanning me intently.

Upon reaching me Shadow whimpers with pain. Flopping down he nuzzles his leg and yowls pitifully. Crouching,I slowly run my fingers along his swollen, badly bruised leg. I could already tell it was broken so I say to Blaze" Can you go and find a thin gilletwood stick from the forest and some sap to kill the pain?". Blaze blows a dark grey smoke ring and turns towards the cave entrance, readying himself for flight.

A few hours later, when Shadow is asleep, I gently lift him from the hard stone ground and into a makeshift basket, made from pine needles stuck together with tree sap, not very comfortable but it would have to do. His broken leg is in a splint and held out straight behind him as he growls in deep sleep. Blaze is watching him over my shoulder, confused by his growling. As I stand up and turn away Blaze's voice enters my mind.

"What is he doing?" He asks curiously. Dreams are not things that dragons get. It's something I've always found peculiar, but Blaze just doesn't dream. According to him, as soon as he shuts his eyes he sees colours, but no pictures.

" Dreaming, I think" I whisper aloud. Blaze stays silent for a minute, working out what I have said in what he calls, the forgotten dialect. I've tried to teach him to speak but his mind can't understand how to pronounce Bs, Ps or Zs, because, according to him they aren't needed, so he whispers back "Gut he's asleed how can he do that?, there are no enemiens here?" He says, slugging over the words and looking around for threats.

I laugh a little and answer "He's dreaming, that's all, in his mind he thinks there are enemies, probably".

Blaze exhales softly and questions again, using the mind link " What did that note say, that one that you found earlier?"

I realise that I hadn't told him about it and answer"It said that this wolf pup could decide what happens to this world, if we keep him, it will be saved, if we let him away, it will die, there was a prophecy as well, it was from Sinweiya,  do you know who that is?".

Blaze looks as though he has been sentenced to death, the colour disappears from his scales and his eyes widen.

"What?" I ask. He glares at his claws, spins around and blows columns of flame out of the cave door furiously. Shadow turns his back on the boiling heat waves from the fire and continues to sleep. I send calming mind waves to Blaze as quickly as I can. He soon stops blowing flames and flops down with an angry snort.

" What was that about?" I ask Blaze curiously. I've never seen him so angry before, sure he's blasted balls of fire before but never so many. " It's Sinwieya. She's a sibyl" he replies, malice entering his gentle voice.

A sibyl is a woman of magick. They can control the elements and use them to their will. Most sibyls are just plain evil, even helping more powerful sibyls to commit crime and murder. Sinwieya is known as the mother of evil. So many other sibyls worked for her that her tracks were always hidden. She could never be caught doing crime, and if she gave out a prophecy? Well that meant death, and a lot of it, a massacre.

Blaze sends these thoughts to me in a matter of seconds. "She's not just a sibyl, she is the mother of dragons and the most powerful being alive. She has been here since the dawn of time. If she has given a prophecy, that's not good at all." I cross my arms, as I usually do when I think and pace the cave.

I absentmindedly play my fingers around the carvings on my sword,Daciòn, which means Bravesoul in dragon tongue and say " Has she done anything to dragonkind?". Blazes eyes narrow again and his bright eyes darken a shade. " She has killed many dragons, although none from her own bloodline, they work for her".

I mull this over and continue my pacing. Suddenly the wind whispers into the cave, disturbing the torch light. It's in a language that I don't understand but Blaze has gone stiff, his muscles tensed. His eyes turn completely black as the wind blows stronger, the whispering more intense. Without warning Blaze walks to the edge of the cave and turns his head, unseeing. He roars at me angrily and opens his wings with a snap.

I run towards him and slap his tail. He is in a trance, oblivious to the world around him. The wind howls louder the further he moves towards the gap. " Blaze no!" I shout, to no response. I try to mind link him only to be responded with a blank space, nothing at the end of the link and as I try to find a connection I am forced backwards from his mind, as though I have been slapped. He roars into the black night and takes off, disappearing into the sky.

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