Chapter 3- The new boy

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I headed towards my History class, which was one of the worst lessons ever. Id rather be in Maths all day than 1 hour of History. However it does have one good thing the teacher is hot but even that doesn't make me wont to get there any sooner, mainly because he was one of them.

Mr Louis talks about how in 2015 the world was falling apart. Natural disasters killed thousands every year, over population was causing starvation. Unknown diseases spread wiping out cities. Then the Argislons came and solved everything.

He always misses out that since they came people have been going missing and being written down as unknown deaths. 2 of them people being my parents. I think they took my parents. I don't know why yet but as soon as school is finished, I'm going to find out what happened to them. I opened the door to the class, which I was late for, like usual.

"Why are you late Edith" Sir said without even looking around.

"Woke up late, then there was traffic" I replied without including my encounter with Lucas.

"Sit down. You have 10 minutes at the end"


"Sit down" Now raising his voice. So I do as I'm told and sit down on the 2nd row next to Lizzie. I scan the room and see a new face staring right at me. As he notices I saw him, his attention goes back onto the board Mr Louis was writing on. I giggled to myself.

"That 15 minutes Edith" He said again without looking around. I huffed and starting writing notes. Lesson ended quickly, but as I tried to escape without him noticing, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the class.

"Where do you think your going?" He raised his eyebrow.

"This is so unfair. It wasn't my fault there was traffic" I complained. I sat down on the first row and got my note-book out to doodle in.

"Next time wake up early." He replied coldly.

"Ok. can I go and get a lecture somewhere else?" I moaned.

"Carry on making comments like that and you will stay for an hour after school" Well that's my queue to be quiet. I looked down at my table. The next 15 minutes dragged.

"You can go but if your late next time ill give you a detention after school for an hour!" He commented. With that I left and headed to find Amy for the last 10 minutes of break.

"Hey, detention again?" She immediately asked knowing what the answer would be.

I nodded.

"So what we doing after school today. Shopping?" She asked trying to break my silence. Thoughts ran through my head about how my parents suddenly went missing about a year ago. I never really got along with my dad but my mum and me were really close. Did they kill her? Why would they want to kill her? She was just being a mother. Never done wrong in her whole life.

"Donno? what do you want to do?"

"I heard there was a party at Jakes house tonight. Should we go?" She commented while a grin started to grow on her face. Her blue eyes lit up at the idea.

"Yeah, why not? Need to lighten up a bit."

"That's the spirit" She said In the happiest tone I've seen her in, in ages. Then the bell went for the next lesson.

"See you at 6 at yours. Bye" she shouted as she walked away. I waved back to her. The next lessons consisted of my science teacher trying to be funny, my English teacher being morbid like usual. Then lunch which I spent in the library trying to revise for my final exams. My phone buzzed.

Amy: New hot guy in geography!

Edith: Brown hair, blue eyes wearing a black t-shirt?

Amy: How did you know?

Edith: He's in my History and science. What's his name?

Amy: Alec Windston

Edith: Is he human?

Amy: Well that's the down side. Who cares he looks human!

Edith: You know how I feel about them

That where the conversation ended. I continued to read my book about trigonometry until the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and headed for the exit to the school. Got in my car and drove home to get ready for the party.

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