Ivory Keys and Guitar Strings: The Play

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Dedicated to the original writer, ArthurPendragon, for her awesomeness. I had to adapt a short story into a one act play for my creative writing class, and hers was the only one I wanted to adapt. 

Keep in mind, this is my first try at this. Enjoy.   ^ ^



CHARACTERS:                                    SETS:

 News reporter                                     Alley/Street

Emma Blair                                         Music Store

Voice of Nathaniel Blair                                            

Ed Sheeran

Store Owner


 SCENE I- The Report

 [News reporter under spotlight.]

News reporter: Welcome back to the 8 O’clock News on SNR. We continue to cover the story of young Emma Blair. The seventeen year old ran away from her Suffolk home three days ago around eight in the evening. She was last seen wearing a dark blue hooded sweatshirt and dark jeans. Her school has been searched as well as its surrounding area. A thorough search of the Blair's neighborhood was unsuccessful in finding the girl. According to an SNR source, reports of alleged late-night shouting from the Blair residence were taken by Suffolk police. Friends were unable to be found for questioning on the matter. It seems that since the death of her mother some six years ago Emma has become somewhat isolated. If this, or something else, was the cause for her running away is still unknown. Her father, Nathaniel, pleads to the public for help, and to his daughter to please come home. If you have any information, please call 1-800-6478.

SCENE II- The Street

[Young girl runs into street from alley carrying small backpack. Pulls hair away from face, revealing gash on cheek. Clothes dirty and a little bloody. Girl shivers, pulls up hood, and wraps arms around stomach. Walks down street with head down.] 

Voice of Nathaniel: ...have had enough of you...no intelligence...no talent...no future. 

[Sound of a slap]

[Girl hunches further into herself. Shakes head.]

Emma (quietly): Stop thinking about it Em. So what if Mum's gone? So what if Dad changed? So what if you just mindlessly ran away? So what if the last thing you had to eat was half a Twix bar four hours ago? No use in dwelling on that now. Just find somewhere to sleep. 

[Checks watch.]

Emma: Already nine. Crap.

[Looks at store front to her right. Lights on. Walks towards door and pulls it open. Goes in.]

SCENE III- The Music Store

[Emma walks around in store. Piano in right corner. Sees it and walks towards it. Someone behind a rack steps out and pulls her back by the arm.]

Ed: What are you doing?!

Emma: I'm s-sorry. I thought you were open. 

Ed: Well, we're not. So get out. 

[Emma pulls arms away and stumbles back. Books on table behind her crash down. Ed pulls her up harshly. Emma closes eyes and flinches face away. Ed pauses and looks down at her properly.]

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