Broken Flashbacks

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As I look back, I can remember all the details of my family and how they died. I'm not your normal teenager, well most teenagers don't have their family murdered by a fan girl, and then go live with Jack and Jack. If you don't know who Jack and Jack is then your way behind on my story. But my story just didn't start with Jack and Jack. It started with my dad.

My dad, was Jack and Jacks manager when all the boys did MAGCON. When MAGCON finished touring my dad got really sick and passed away. After that moment, Jack and Jack offered to take care of my mom, my brother and me.

The moment that i first started hanging out with Jack Gilinsky, it was the first time I ever got hate from people. For a little while it sucked, my friends hated me, I got hate on my social media, the Jacks would get hate from their fans. I used to think it was all my fault. Until I got to the age, where I'd blame my dad for all this. If he wouldn't have died, left us, no one would be getting hate. I wouldn't have had to leave home to come to California, and I would still have my mom and my brother. I'd still have my real family.

But today, right now I have my second family around me on my 15th birthday. It's been two years now, since all of that stuff happened and I'll get into my story in a little bit. I still look over my shoulder to make sure no ones watching, I still flinch when someone walks up behind me, and I still cry. That girls face is like a permanent image in my head. I see her every time I close my eyes. I know she's locked up but I still feel like she's going to come back. The one thing that kills me the most is that I can't remember how she got me and took me. I remember the day I heard the sirens from the police cars. I can remember the FBI agents storming in and walking out with her in hand cuffs. The one thing I remember the most isn't the tourture it was running up to Jack Gilinsky and him wrapping his arms around me so tightly and whispering,
"Your safe now. Your in my arms. Let's go home."
and then I was fast asleep in his arms.
Now that I'm 15, Jack G is going to adopt me so I officially have a family. It's been a long time since I've had one. I remember the time we went to the beach Jack. I didn't want to go what so ever. But when we finally got to their house I ran straight in and wrapped my arms right around G, that was almost 6 months ago. A lot of people would say that he replaced me with Madison because they broke up right when my dad died. Mostly because he needed to focus on us and his music. A lot of people would say it's my fault. I say that's it's my dad's fault.

I remember where this all started.
"Maggie were here, in LA." my mom whispered in my ear.
"Mom I just want to sleep." I moaned
"Do you want to see Jack?" she questioned knowing that would get me up.
"You know I do, I haven't seen him in like 6 months. But I don't want to move out here." i said back
"Maggie we don't have a choice. Just treat this like a long vacation." she said back positively.
I just monad and walked up to the front door of Jacks house. I could hear Malibu so I knew that Nash was here. As I stood there looking down I could see the door opening.
"Maggie! Its been so long since i last saw you." I looked up seeing Nash wrapping his arms around me and squeezing.
"You too Nash. it's been to long." I said back wrapping my arms right around him. As my mom walked in all welcomes between me and Nash were over. As I listened to the radio that they had on, I could faintly hear it. When it finally got quite enough to hear, it was Shawn. I looked up and chirped into this conversation,
"Is this Shawn?" I questioned and got a response of yes.
"So, is you and the Johnson still on bad terms?" Nash came and sat down next to me.
"I guess so. I mean he didn't even come home to say hey. He hasn't even seen us in six months-" I paused," but it shows how much G cares." I said back, thinking how Johnson and I were.
" You know G really loves you. Your like his own kid to him." Nash said back with a huge smile.
"Where is G?" I looked around, "I know he's here, his car is here." I questioned.
"He's out back, go see him."

As soon as I saw Gilinsky I ran up to him and he picked me up into his arms and spun me around.
"I've missed you so much G." I said the happiest that I've been in a while.
"I missed you too!" he said back to me and then started talking again,
"I have a surprise for you." he whispered in my ear.
As I looked up he smiled at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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