Chapter 21

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. 


"What are you doing in Stiles' room Kid?"

Shit! I had meant to switch rooms before my Dad got home.

"Oh- uh, Stiles is always complaining that his mattress sucks, turns out he's just a wimp."

Dad stared at me.

"That excuse was lame even by your standards, but I'm too exhausted to figure out what's going on," Dad told me.

"Do you have work again tonight?" I asked.

Dad nodded.

"Station or Patrol?"

"Patrol, you hanging out here tonight?"

"No, Lydia's having her birthday party and I'll probably crash with Stiles," I told him.

"You kids have fun," Dad said. "I'm heading to bed, night Kid."

"Morning, Dad."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He walked down the hall to his room. Shit! I had forgotten all about Lydia's birthday extravaganza and I didn't have anything to get her. But what would she want? I mean Lydia was rich, what could I get her that she couldn't get herself? Nothing clothes, shoes or accessory related, we had already established I had no real taste in that department.

I decided to call Stiles. If anybody knew what to get her it was the boy that had loved her since the third grade right?

"I'm heading to your house now. I have no idea what to get Lydia, and I need to think of something good because what with her getting dumped and being the town whack-job I might actually stand a chance!" He said as soon as he picked up the phone.

Or not.

"You are a seriously demented, horrible human being you know that right?" I told Stiles through the phone.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Danny and I have been through this like a million times already. Look I'm a hormone-driven teenage boy with a small window of opportunity to get my dream girl what do you expect?" Stiles shot back.

I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, I'll be ready when you get here but a word of advice, try a little tact or Lydia won't even stay a dream, girl," I warned.

I could almost see Stiles rolling his eyes on that one.

"Yeah, okay." He hung up on me.

An unknown number was calling me, I panicked for about a fraction of a second (okay maybe longer) before answering.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously.

"Charlie." He said. I liked how Isaac said my name on the phone, it always sounded like a breath of fresh air.

"Did you get a new phone?" I asked him confused, he always called on Erica's.

"No, I'm borrowing Derek's. Derek wants to know your plan for tonight."

I heard three voices in the background.

"Derek?" They asked sarcastically.

"Okay, so I want to know what your plan is." Isaac amended. "Happy now?" He asked the background noise.

"I'm going to Lydia's party and then I'm going to crash at Stiles with him and Scott."

"I don't think you should go to that party, Jackson might be there and the Master- whoever he is," Isaac told me.

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