The Flame of the Igna

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There is a planet by the name of Ra'gor, which stands today as a dark and ashy planet, uncivilized and broken beyond repair. The skies are filled with cloud-like masses, but they are not the average cloud. They lack the vibrant color and fluidity they were known for. The buoyant white that has long portrayed the fluorescence of life and beauty had vanished from their midst. They are dark, and ominous, filling the skies and blocking the light of the sun. The presence of a red dusk clings eternally to the dead skies where nothing lives, nothing except for the black winged Igna that had been graced with flight at the dawn of their formation. They fly through the skies in hordes, rushing by in flashes of orange fire as that same fire trails behind them in waves of coiling light.

Ra'gor is the planet of the Igna, the dead planet.

The Igna themselves are not of the dead. They are fully alive, but their mere presence has wrought a blazing destruction upon their world. Ra'gor was not always dead. Its decay stemmed from one of the creatures that had previously populated the planet. This creature caused the release of one of the Ancients, a draconic beast who was older still, condemning his race to slavery beneath the colossus that could not be tamed. This is the story of their creation, and the deception that brought their fall.

The Igna were once called Statyti, creatures formed by a man, who could be considered neither old nor young. He had come to be known as a deity amongst the Statyti, and was eventually folded into the myths of the Statyti with the passing of time. This man's name was Darius. He had set foot on the lonely planet of Ra'gor long before any, forming the Statyti from the dust and dirt of the desolate planet.

The galaxy had previously been nearly empty. The world of Ra'gor was the sole edifice within the galactic miasma of which would later be named Vyra, and possess twelve planets, each crafted carefully by the gentle hand of Darius, with creatures and biomes unmatched by any world apart from Earth itself, of which could never be matched. Growth had barely begun on Ra'gor, but there was nothing on it that could nurture it as it began to flourish. Darius also knew that the empty sphere was no ordinary planet. He knew what was imprisoned within the planets core, the Demon Dragon, Re'van, who had been imprisoned there for thousands of years, captured and confined by unknown hands.

The creatures that Darius created were shaped much like the lizards of Earth, but much larger and stronger. Their faces were elongated and snouts smooth. Their skin was the color of a dull grey, like a cloud prior to its release of a torrential downpour. Their eyes were big and beady, a soft brown, meant to remind them that they had been formed from the dirt and that one day, a date unknown to them, they would return to it. Their bodies were tall and muscular with a slight indented curve to their spine that allowed them to stand nearly straight. Their legs were powerful, first moving outward and then turning back in at the knee and following down to the ground, giving them the ability to stand as a biped. Their feet had only four toes, lacking the smallest one, making them even more unlike their creator. The feet were smaller than one might expect, but they were strong and held the Statyti to the ground.

Their arms were more like that of their creators, although they had four, where their creator had only two. They flowed out from the shoulder and towards the joint of their elbow, allowing them to maneuver it freely in any direction. It continued down to their hands, which also only had four appendages protruding from them, but they only needed four. Their palms had suction to them, capable of holding something as tightly as they chose, and, yet, release it at their whim.

Darius completed his creation and looked upon them proudly, standing above the multitudes that had been formed from the earth, smiling softly. He began to speak, knowing that once words left his mouth he would be giving his creation the power of speech. He spoke one phrase, a command to his creatures that would define their way of living for an eternity.

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