Untitled Part 1

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My life was never normal I was always different.I always thouth i would never find the reason why...................until my adventure began and i was out to find the reason why.


As i shut the door be hind me i started to run up to my room.I therw my backpack to the flore then I jumped into bed.I cryed for ten min. hopeing that it was the end of the school year.But in stead I was at the begining of the school year.

I sat up and picked up my diary out of my backpack i wrote in it:



some things wrong with me. i eat like a wolf at my high school and i pushed a boy into the wall. whats wrong with me? im not normal and i can also smell and hear the mail man from three miles. and i can run so fast that no one at track can beat me i also can feel it in me i wish i could find out why.


I ran down stairs and I went out side. 

"Some girls just site in there rooms playing video games but i like to run in the woods" I said to my self in a mumble as i entered the woods.I kept on runing until i found a river there was a log that was over the river.I decide to walk across as i walked across i lost my balence and fell in to the water sundenly i was deep in the water i looked up if i cloud see the light but it faded away i tryed ito swim up but no that dint work .I felt like something was puling me down sundenly i cloud breath i closed me eyes then some how i was in another world.

"I looked at my self I ........I ..........II.........was a WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

this was so werid it looked the same  as my world but so much more different instead there were gost and other monsters and creatures i was busted out i fealt so awsome i decied to explore.

i saw a big building it looked like my school i looked at my clock on my arm it was time for school i was wondering maybe i could go to this school and thats what i did.

it worked out great the teacher was just like mine from my real school in fact every one was the same from my school exspect in creture or monster form then i wondered if my house was here to so after school i went to my house.

My house was here and after I looked throuth my house i decide run throuth the woods. I came to the same river that it  magical made me come to this world instead of a blue color it was purple i still wanted to explore the other side of the river so i saw the log.  before i started to walk over. sundenly I lost my balence and fell in again the same thing happened to me the last time.

if you want to no more of the story read 

the second part hope you like it i will see you next time 


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