chapter 6

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For the rest of the weekend all Kate Could think of was the dance,the kiss,and the boy. Who was he? Is the only question runing through her head. She invited Monica over on Sunday to tell her what happened at the dance because she spent the whole night with her other friends and let Kate with the mystery boy.

When Monica get there her frist question was " how was the dance and did you meet the mystery boy?" Kate looked at her and Answered her with a smile on her face" It was fun and yes i meet him." Monica look at her "so what happened." "Oh nothing much we dance,we talked,and he kissed me" Kate said with a big smile on her face. "HE WHAT? well do you know the boy?" said Monica. "No Unfortunately he ran away after he kissed me and said he had to go" Kate Said.Monica Stood up and said " we are going to find him." "Ok" Kate said as Monica Left.

It is Monday and it was talk all about it day what about the dance. Ok that's not a real thing basically what you could've called. The went by like most but all she could think about was who was he. she started to compare what she knew two boys in boys in her 3th priod Class.There were 15 boys in her class. Kate looked at the boys in her class she heard each and everyone of them talk. She marked down 5 with unkind sounding voices. Then she looked at the eyes. she was looking for bluish-gray eyes. There What are only three boys with bluish gray eyes and her 3th priod class. The list was down to Mark, Josh, and Austin. She looked at the list hard as her eyes begin to close and she's begin to daydream. But just then Mark walk up to her desk and ask her "how was the dance." "It was wonderful" Kate said. Mark Look at her scared to ask the next question quietly he said "did you like the mystery boy." "YES!" Kate said a statically taking Mark's hand. It Feels like when the mystery boy grabed my hand Kate thought as mark took his hand away slowly from Kate.

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