Chapter 1

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*Obsidion Blaze's picture up above*

It all started when I was 18.

Jamarr was in his car seat.We were in very heavy traffic.It was to the point where I had to turn my car off until traffic made any progress to move.

Then it happened.

He had a seizure.

I panicked and called 911 but I knew that the ambulance weren't going to make it.

His screams, god his screams, I couldn't do anything but watch him convulse.I didn't think he would have seizures this early on in his short little life.How wrong was I.

Sadly, it was his birthday.His 3rd birthday.The last birthday I would ever see him alive in again.The ambulance came after 2 hours when traffic finally started moving.He stopped convulsing after that long and then he went limp.I felt his pulse and tried to do CPR to no avail.

When the ambulance got him they put him in and I followed them while I called my grandma crying up a storm about what happened.She said she'll be right there quickly.

We got to the hospital and I quickly went into a parking spot and got out of my car in a hurry.When I went inside, I saw my son on the gurney as the doctors and nurses were trying to save his life as they went inside the trauma area.

My grandma came soon after as I waited in waiting room and we heard the news from the doctor that no one wanted to here.

"Mr. Blaze, I'm so sorry, we did the best we could but your son is dead."


He wasn't meant to die.

I feel like it's my fault he's dead.I'm epileptic and I had my first seizure when I was 6.He was 3.I should of been more prepared, more ready, to save my son and in the end it cost him his life because of my carelessness.I was too relaxed.I should have realized that he could of had one at any moment.

I'm such a failure....

I wake up with a start breathing heavily.I hear my alarm ringing on my phone so I turn to look at it.

6 o'clock am.

Ugh, I'm hot and sweaty.Not the best way to wake up.I turn my phone on snooze and get out of bed to stretch.

Why am I getting up again?Oh, yeah.I have to assasinate a mafia boss for some reason.Since the CIA won't tell me, I thought bitterly.

I sigh and I walk into the bathroom to do my business and take a steamy shower.As I got out of the shower, I went to the sink to brush my teeth and got the towel off the rack to dry myself off.

I went to my dresser to get the necessary gear on; silenced sniper rifle with a red laser, black form fitting clothes with black sunglasses and hat, and my top-of-the-line cell phone courtesy of the CIA.

I hear my cell phone ring.Answering,"hello".

"BUDDAAAAAY, it's me Roscoe, yeah the boss says change of plans".

Irritated,"so you're telling me now as I'm going to kill the mafia boss, Vanchelli.Man, you better have a good reason or I'm going to hang up and say 'screw the changes'.Right now it's-I look and it says 6:45 am on my phone-"6:45 am I do not have time for bullshit this early in the morning".

Roscoe quickly says,"Ok, ok, ok.Boss says that you have four people coming to spy on Vanchelli with you.Don't kill Vanchelli yet".

"I think it's stupid because I work alone but okay, who are they?".

Roscoe sounded timid,"Um, they're the Princes of the Supernatural Kingdom".

A pregnant pause...."WHAT!?".

"Look, I know they rejected you but you have to let it go.They screwed up their chance to be with you and for what?; popularity?, more fame? even though they are already famous, two bitches that acted like they owned the place?.Obsidion, they aren't worth it".

I darkly said,"when you know what it's like to be rejected come talk to me.It felt like I was in an inferno that was going through me while at the same time I was being electrocuted.Now I can take a rejection from someone else but to have your soulmates, soulmates, reject you only because of you being human, damaged,and unworthy of their presence-their words not mine-it leaves a mark that will stay with you forever so I'm sorry if I can't get over it".

I rolls my eyes as I hear him apologies profusely.

"Dude, I know you didn't mean it like that and that you were trying to help but when you truly understand the pain that I went through and am currently going through still even if it's dull then we will continue this conversation but let's hope we don't because that would mean you have been rejected".

I hear Roscoe sigh on the phone."Alright.Anyway, you're meeting the princes near Pedophilia Villa Hotel-I gave a disgusted face to that name-"Yeah, I know the name sounds....out of place but that's where Vanchelli is gonna go to meet with scientists that have to do with viruses and disease.Now we don't know much about this meeting so instead of killing Vanchelli, the boss wants you to infiltrate the hotel and spy on them to see what their plans are.Now to me I find this meeting suspicious since they could be talking about getting a dead body and using a virus or something to make zombies.But hey, that's just me".

I was a little shocked but one thing stopped me."Um, Roscoe, I only have my assassination gear not spy gear".

"Don't worry Obsidion, the princes will have all the necessary things with them.Let's just hope they won't fuck up this mission.They're practically noobs when it comes to this so I don't know who in their right minds would want to bring them into this and it's really hard to not judge who is sending who out on different/important missions such as them".

I could practically feel him roll his eyes at that.

"Just be careful Obsidion.You're meeting the princes near an abandoned building near the hotel 3 blocks away on the very top floor-I hear whispering in the background-"the boss says to watch and teach them what to do".

Feeling a little annoyed,I gritted my teeth and said," fine".

"I'm sending you coordinates on your gps in your car where Vanchelli and the building is and"-I hear a desk moving-"it's 7:10 am.You have 40 minutes to get to your destination and another 20 to prepare everything with the princes to spy on Vanchelli before Vanchelli arrives 10 minutes later".

I nod and realizing I'm doing it while he is in the CIA headquarters, I stop and say,"okay".

He hangs up on me.

Damn.And I was hoping for some breakfast,I thought dryly.

I sigh.How many times have I been sighing today?

I go into my closet to get my black combat boots on then head out to my average kitchen in my average apartment.I mean I shouldn't really be complaining since the CIA is renting out this apartment for me since I won't be staying in Italy long...hopefully.

I quickly took my epileptic medicine along with eating a poptart that I got from the pantry, drunk some water, and grabbed my keys to my car.I unlock my door to quickly close and lock my door.

I got to my car and unlocked it, putting all my gear in it, hey you never know.I turned my car on and I saw on my dashboard the gps and sure enough the coordinates and directions were on it.

I gave myself a deep breath to exhale slowly and said quietly, "God give me strength".

I put my car in reverse in the parking lot and started driving it into the sunrise to my destination.

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