chapter 6

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Naruto POV
I can feel her body on mine, as her head is on my chest, with her breath of sleep. As she sleeping, I put my hand in her hair start the play with it. Her hair feels like silk. I love how her hair curls naturally, it's a lot prettier than any a unnatural one. I can even smell her shampoo, I can't describe what it smells, like but it smells like home. I should leave soon before everyone gets up, or we both will get in trouble. But I never want to let go of her, afraid if I do she won't be there when I let go. It's like she's my angel and I am demon. And I need my angel, to turn me into to good and that's what she is.
Your POV
I could feel a hand going through my hair, its all good. It remind me of my mom, when she has to do it. How I was little and I would beg for it to play with.
I say" good morning"
" good morning my angel"
I was shocked by the nickname. No one's ever called me angel, I had too many demons inside to ever be any one angel. I forget that he don't know my dark moments, so I don't know the demon side. But he needs to know, before we go any further.
" later, we need to have a talk. But not right now, I don't want to ruin the moment" I say as he plays with my hair.He stopped completely, and cups my chain in his hand and he looks at me.
He said " there's nothing you could ever say, that will me leave you"
" the truth about me, what I used to be like before you knew me"
Tears fall from my face, knowing I was going to have to tell. My darkest and most deepest thoughts, that I never wanted a loud.
" I ain't so innocent either (y/n), but there's nothing about your past, could ever make me leave" he says wiping my tears away.
I say" that's not true, you don't know me"
I get up to get my notebook, the one that has all my darkest thoughts. It's better if he just read it, I don't want to feel that dark again. But I know, if I ever had a mental breakdown, around him he well know what to do. Or he just leaving now, before it hurts too much. I got the notebook from the new drawer.
I say" this is my other thought notebook, I have never show this to anyone, so I beg you not to show this to anyone. Read it when you get home, letting you know, those are some of my baddest thought, so they are pretty dark"
He kisses me on the cheek, and grab the notebook for my head.
"I'll read it but it will never making leave. How long has it been since you wrote in this?"
" a month ago, I was going through something, I had to put it down. It makes me feel better when I do"
Another tear falls or maybe a couple more. But he thought stops, with kisses, he kisses of each one that fall. I little bit smile, and kiss him. Wanting to feel his lips on mine, afraid of what he might read, and never get to feel it again. How he kisses, always leave me breathless afterwards.

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