1: Naive (ANDREW'S POV- Bonus Chapter )

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This is my team. My. Team.

Fuck what the coach said.

I let their drunken cheers wash away my frustration as I open the door to the tattoo parlor, and stop short before I run over the girls I barely noticed in front of me. They hesitate in the doorway.

The place vibrates with their yells. It's the overeager freshmen and over intoxicated players that are loudest. It' obnoxious, but it's all in fun. We won. We celebrate.

I'm about to walk past the girls who still block the way, but the blonde catches my eye as she lifts her hands and her hips shake as she waves to the players sitting in the waiting room. I'm surprised I didn't notice her before, but the way she moves shows off the curve of her hips- hips I could grip.

The girl with her tugs on her to get her to stop, all of us realizing that she was responding to the cheers that were meant for me. The others are laughing, but so is she as she turns towards me.

And I don't know what to take in first as she looks up at me, everything about her calls my attention, from her large chest that she has covered in a white tank top that I wish was lower to her wide blue eyes that travel over me, but it's that mouth that holds my focus. Her lips are stretched wide with her laughter, but still full and soft. I can imagine what they'd feel like on me.

"Sorry," she says between laughter, her tongue darting over her lips, moistening them. Teasing me because I want to lick them. "Honest mistake, you know? People get so excited when I show up; I thought this was for me. But, I see now, you have the same affliction." Her friend is tugging on her arm, but she doesn't seem to be able to walk away. Her fingers drag through her long blonde hair that hangs down her back, but her gaze stays locked on me. "I should have realized though. It's usually a much bigger deal when I walk in, people go crazy and throw money at me and" her words trail off as her eyes slide down and a red embarrassment creeps up her neck and face.

"Mm-hmm" I respond, getting those eyes back on me. Innocent eyes despite the nonsense she's speaking. I can't help but to press her embarrassment, finding amusement in her bright flustered attention. I step forward, letting the door shut behind us. Since she doesn't move away, I can feel the warmth of her little body and her sweet scent makes my mouth water. "You get money thrown at you?"

Those lips pop to a little O of shock and then her wide smile reappears with her laughter. "All the time."

"Interesting." I dip my head towards her, and her smile flickers with nerves she's trying to cover, but it radiates from her. And I back off, leaving the freshmen to go to my team.

As much as I'd enjoy those lips wrapped around my cock, it's too early in the night. I want to drink and I have to put in team time for now. There will be plenty of others to choose from later, if the girl doesn't stick around. She probably will. They usually do. 


"Gonna get a tat?"

"Want a beer?"

"Where you been?"

"You know those girls, they're hot?"

They're all talking to me at once. Alvin has his shirt half pulled off. "Look at my new ink."

I nod with a quick glance to the large Samoan and his exposed skin, SEU lettering above his belly.

Then I glance back to the girls at the counter, and am rewarded with the perfect view of her ass, it's covered in jean shorts, but the shape is undeniable. She's leaning on the counter, talking to the girl with her.

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