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Chapter 1

"Pat, where are you? This isn't funny."

She was right there in front of me. Her eyes were wide and her hands were reached out in front of her. I could see her perfectly clear; for her however, it was pitch black. I couldn't help but snicker. It actually was funny.

I walked up to her, careful not to let her hear or touch me. I took the night vision goggles off and stood completely still. I felt her hand brush against my arm before a shrill scream pierced my ears. I wanted to laugh but I needed to keep this up.

"Patch? Pat baby, is that you?" Her hands were all over me now, feeling my arms and chest, then up to my neck and face. I was tempted to kiss her just then, but thought better of it. "Pat? Stop playing. I don't like this."

"But I do." I whispered, the voice box hooked up to me made my voice sound demonic, causing another scream to escape Blaire's lips.

"Don't you know you're not supposed to leave the group when a killer is on the loose, Blaire?"

"I can't believe I paid for this." I heard her mumble to herself before sobbing once.

This was priceless.

I put my goggles back on and followed her silently.

"Ben?" She tripped and screamed. I laughed like an evil scientist and grabbed her ankle.

"Cyndie! Benji! Help!"

"They can't help you now." I heard a high pitched alien voice say from behind me. I looked around and saw 4 other people walk into the room Blaire and I were in. It was Ben, Jason, Cyndie, and Katie; the people Blaire came with, 3 of them were my best friends.

This was getting good.

"Yeah, they already left. They escaped an hour ago. Left you behind." It was Jason talking now. His voice was a pitch lower than mine through his voice box. I could feel Blaire shaking so I tightened my grip on her ankle.

"Guys, just stop, alright? I'm done with this." She huffed before kicking, causing her foot to connect with my shoulder, and standing once my grip had been released.

That kinda hurt. She's lucky I'm her boyfriend or I'd sue her.

Blaire was the last person in the house. We actually closed 20 minutes ago but she's been lost ever since she got here so obviously we were gonna mess with her as long as possible.

"Okay yous guys, get goin' now." Fletcher came through, switching the lights on and staring at us.

"Ugh, Fletch! It was just getting good." Benji crossed his arms over his chest and pouted. If you didn't already know Ben was gay, that would have given it away.

"I'd like to go home. Not babysit yous brats, alright? Go bye bye now." He began to walk out. "And you, you're not getting paid overtime for this." He turned to me and pointed before leaving the room.

"I'm not getting paid at all so don't even complain." Cyndie looked at me with one eyebrow raised. Jason mumbled in agreement before taking Katie's hand and leaving with Ben right behind them.

"You coming home with me, Toots?" Cyndie inclined her head towards Blaire and winked. She didn't think I noticed but I saw it clear as day. I glanced at Blaire quickly before taking my spook gear off. Her face was lightly flushed, either from being scared or from the look Cyndie gave her, I wasn't sure.

It's no secret that Cyn has a crush on Blaire. It hasn't been said out loud, but it's obvious.

"I promised Patch I'd stay with him tonight." Blaire looked at me before looking down. She sounded disappointed.

"It's all good. I'm tired anyway. You two have fun." I kissed Blaire's forehead and tried not to look at the excitement on her face. I held the door open for them then locked up.

"Bye, love ya." My girlfriend walked away, her arm hooked through Cyndie's, she didn't even turn back to give me a smile.

It was just turning 1 am. As much as I loved making people piss their pants, this second job was taking its tole on me. I smacked myself a couple of times before turning the radio on. I clicked it to my favorite station, 98.9 Classic rock mixed with a little Alternative and Indie. My three favorite genre's.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Texting and driving, yeah it's illegal but I'm the only person on this road so it's okay.

"Don't forget to pick up Tillon on your way home." It was from Bambi, my sister.

Damn. I did actually forget. "Tillon should get his car fixed, I'm not turning around. You can go without him for one night."

I stuffed my phone back into my pocket. It buzzed a few more times but I'm pretty sure they all say "Screw you" so there's no point in checking them. I was 10 minutes from the house and 30 from Tillon's place. Yeah. I'll turn around and pick him up so I can hear all your naughty business tonight. That's my life's mission.

Bambi is an alright sister. Actually, she's the best sister. She has her moments but she's the only person who stayed by my side, so we're like glue, me and her. Mom left, then dad left, I was half expecting Bambi to leave but she never did. The foster system couldn't even keep us apart. Mainly because Bambi would kick whoever tried in the shin until she got her way. After she turned 18, she got her own place and made the court system agree to let me live with her. She's dedicated to me and that means a lot.

I'm still not picking up her boyfriend though.

I sighed as I pulled into the driveway. Checking the 4 messages that read 'screw you' and the one message that read 'going to see Till. Be home 2morrow. Luv ya.' from my sister. Home alone? Great. No girlfriend to spend it with? A big sarcastic 'lovely'.

I pulled my beanie off and tossed it on the couch. Grabbed the Wii remote and decided to play whatever game was left in there until school started, that would give me at least 7 hours of sleep with 55 minute intervals.

Lego Batman. It wasn't Gears of War or Halo but it was Batman so that counts for something.

My phone buzzed and the ringtone that Blaire set for herself started playing. I picked it up without taking my eyes off the tv screen.

"Yeah." I said into the receiver.

I heard giggling and a muffled conversation. About me.

"Hello? Blaire?"

"When are you gonna do it?" I barely made out Cyndie's voice. There was a hint of impatience.

"Soon. I promise." Blaire said.

"BLAIRE!" I hollered into the phone.

"Huh? Oh. Shit. Hello? Patch?" Her voice was clearer. "How much did you hear?"

Why did that matter?

"You just butt dialed me. Bout a minute ago."

"Oh. So, what did you hear?" She sounded worried. Cyndie made a noise in the background, a mix between a snort and a laugh.


"Okay. Goodnight. Love you." She said quickly then hung up.

I sighed. My heart was breaking for Blaire. I love her. I know it's real too but the way Cyndie has her nose right in our relationship bugs me. What bugged me the most was how it didn't bother Blaire.

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