~Chapter 1~

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"Alison!" Alison jumpedd up in bed hearing her name yelled looking around the dim lit room and to the door where all she could see was the figure of a man walking over until he fliped the lamp on and she blinked a few times at the suddent light. 

"Alison hurry, get up. " The guy, which she now noticed to be a friend of hers said walking to the other side of the room shaking her little brother awake. 

"Come on kid up. " he said as she jumped out of the bed quickly grabbing the pants by the bed and pulling them on. 

"Dustin whats going on?" she asks slipping on the old pair of boots and grabbing her jacket, by now she knew the drill.  

"They spotted some people and they think they might be planning on-" he was cut off by a loud explosion and the ground shook she grabbed the bed. 

"Attacking.. " he finished although there was no real need to anymore, Alison had been through this enough times to know what to do. 

"The basemeant?" she ask as he grabbed up the still sleepy little boy and she grabbed his shoes and clothes knowing it'd take to much time to try and get him dressed now. Dustin nodded and they both run out of the room. 

It was still very early morning and the halls of the building that Alison imagined was a large ware house years ago, where they and about 200 other people now called a home were full with people. Either the ones going out to fight or others trying to get down into the basemeant that was the safest place as of now.

 They made their way through the halls and down stairs that was bearly lit by a few dim lights, they stopped grabbing the wall for support when there was another loud explosion and it shook the walls again and Dustin turned giving her what she guessed was supossed to be a comforting look, but it did little to help. 

 They stopped at a spot by the wall and he sat down the sleepy boy who just blinked up at him rubbing his eyes., 

"Whats going on?" her little brother Ethan asked as she sat down beside him pulling him into her arms tightly holding him. 

"It'll be okay. " she said running his fingers through his blonde hair that was starting to get pretty long.

"Where's dad?" he asked

"I dont know. " She told him sighing, imaging he was somewhere making plans and getting everyone in order, since he was in charge of them she never did see him after some attack or something happened, though they enever seen him much anymore. 

She couldn't really complain, he was in charge of the other 200 people here and their lifes too, so that didn't leave much time for bounding with his own two children.  

After another 15 minutes everyone was down in the shelter and they started counting and role calls, once everyone here was accounted for they were on lock down listening to the sounds they could bearly hear from their underground area. 

After abut four hours there were no more sounds of explosions or aything else and after another hour according to her watch, they were out of lock down and aloud back to theyre rooms to stay there until futher notice.

"Come on. " I say taking Ethan's hand and walking out in the line of people, we walked along down the hall and i held his hand tight, worried maybe I would lose him in the cround of still worried and uneasy people. 

We got back into our room and I dropped down sitting on my bed letting go of his hand only now, those few hours of fittful sleep catching up to me. I sighed, all my engery gone. 

Ethan sat in the floor at my feet laying his head against my leg and looking up with me with his bright blue eyes he'd gotten from our mother, I'd gotten our fathers brown eyes. And I rufffled his hair and he shook his head trying to get my hand away.

He'd only turned 8 a little over a month ago, I would be 18 in about four months, to him this was the only life he had ever known, a world in war, running from one place to the next, always in danger. He'd only been four when our mother died, our father always dealing with things for the group, we were all the other had.

I remember back to when I was five, as the world had started falling apart, things had only started from there, and by the time i was ten the world was in ruins.. 

"Why don't you lay back down?" I say standing up and taking his hand leading him back over to his bed, he kicked his shoes off getting in the bed, still in the clothes he'd slept in last night and I pulled the covers over him kissing his head. His eyes close and I sigh again, poor guy. 

I sit back on my own bed watching him, soon his breathing slows and he relaxs and falls back asleep and I wonder how its still so easy to shake it off, and I wonder if maybe its because he's so young and doesnt understand what all this really means, or maybe because this is how it was been since he was a young child. Either way I was glad at least he could have a few more moments of peace for now. 

They would fix and clean up the mess from another attack today, the ones hurt would be taken to our makeshirt hospital room, I wondered breifly if and how many died today..

How many dads, or moms wouldn't be coming back and at dinner tonight with their kids like very other day, how many of the people i come to know as friends and family, who id only seen the night before and everything was as fine as we couldbe,  would be hurt or just gone.. 

It was the hardest part of all this, all the countless lifes gone because our world was to stubborn to come to agrremeants.. It was hard, but this is how it is now, and something I've grown used to facing, never get to close to anyone you could lose them. And any moment they could be gone, in any moment you may be fighting for your life, always be ready, never be caught off guad, be ready for anything, expect the unexpected.. That's your only chance of living in the world.

(So the first chapter kinda sucked, lol Tell me what you think so far! Vote and comment, let me know if you like it, if you think i should contiue. :) Thanks for reading!  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2013 ⏰

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