Chapter one

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Eren was woken by sudden shaking, his younger sister was leaning over him, tears ran from her black orbs. Eren took a while to register what was infact wetting his face. Crys erupted, along with sudden screams and the sound of glass shattering. Eren brought his arms up and swing them around the raven girl, bringing her to his chest, attempting to calm her down.

Eren Yeager was fifteen. He lived a normal life, until last year.

Something changed in his parents attitudes. Well his mothers to be corrected. On the month of her birthday, she decided to attempt to take her own life. Leaving Eren and Mikasa alone with their father. Fortunatly, Grisha walked in on time, and was able to stop her. Making her sick up the pills that she haven't digested yet. Unfortunalty it left him with a deep wound which was inflicted by his mother. A visible scar that was on his right arm by this shoulder. Ever since then, Eren's mother would lash out when ever she would see the scar on his father, it reminded her of the time she failed to leave behind everyone and everything.

As the screams and smashing got louder, Eren's grip around his younger sister tightened, holding her closer. Mikasa carried on crying, she hated when Clara would snap and start screaming. It reminded her of the grim night when she lost both of her parents.

Nothing. Nothing but black could be seen through the darken dull orbs of the young raven. But to other it was bright. Lighten by the sparks of the flames of the torches. Mikasa stood, helpless in the corner of the room while her mother screamed in pain and her father's body layed helpless. Motionless. Blood stained the floor, walls, clothes and hands. Mikasa stood shaking, screaming in hysterics at her mother, cluching her side on the floor.

She watched as her mother struggled on the floor trying to get close to her husband. To her dead father. She watched in complete horror as her parents eventually layed side by side, dead. She felt her body slide down to the crook of the corner, she brought her knees to her chest and buried her head in her knees and cried, until it was impossible to cry anymore.

The cries and sreamed which filled the blood stained room that night was the same sounds her adopted mother was making. The only difference was it would eventually stop and she would be ok to go see her while she will never be able see her mother ever again.

The door swing open, and walking in was a bloody Grisha. His forehead was cut and his one eye was covered by his left hand. He limped and shook Eren. "Eren, Mikasa get up. You two are going to have to leave the house for a moment, you can come back in once your mother have calmed down" Grisha whimpered while cluching his eye. Eren was about to protest, until he looked down to see his younger sister looking back at him. He looked back to his father and nodded. Lifting Mikasa up, he got up grabbing shoes which was under his bed along with Mikasa' and put them on. He slipped Mikasa's on and lifted her up and carried her through the halls of the house and then outside.

His father gave him the keys to his car. Eren sat himself in the passenger seat, pulling Mikasa onto his lap afterwards. There they sat, Mikasa slept on Eren's chest and Eren listened to stereo. Eren hummed along to the songs he knew, after half an hour Mikasa woke up and wiped her eyes tiredly. "Big bother, is mother going to be okay?" Eren shifted in his seat and looked down at Mikasa. He smiled and lifted his head to look out the window towards the house. "She'll be fine" His smile subsided after he felt her nod on his chest and closed her eyes.

He lied.

{OK, that was the first chapter of this new book. Its SUPER SUPER short, the next chapters wont be as short so don't worry. Hope you enjoyed it}

Give it a vote and comment what ever you want. As for now and forever more, I do apologise for any mistakes and grammar errors!

Until next time... バイバイ


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