Chapter two

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He lied

He had to lie, he wanted Mikasa to be happy, to have a care free life. No worrying if her parents is going to be safe as they go, and if she is safe in their own home.

Later on they were aloud back into the house. Their mother had calmed down and had gone to sleep. Grisha was left in the living room, cupping his eye with his right hand and a cup of coffee in his left. Slight and quiet cries could be heard from the hurting male.

Eren hurried his younger sister to his bedroom to get her ready for her school. Her bedroom was next to Erens, there was a little door which connected their rooms to each other. Eren was thankful for that, whenever his mother had an episode Mikasa was able to get into his bedroom without having to see her.

He walked her into his bedroom and sat her on his bed. He went into her room and grabbed her uniform and clean underwear.
A pair of grey, knee high socks, along with a grey skirt. A white buttoned shirt and a blue and white tie. To finish off a black blazer which had the logo of two wings, one side white and the other blue.

He walked back from her his sisters bedroom to his quietly, make sure he didn't wake up his mother. "Here, put them on, you have school now!" he said quiet but loud enough for her to hear.  She nodded. Eren turned, and sat on his bed pulling out his laptop from under the bed and turned it on. Small mumbles could be heard from the boy as he searched through new updated episodes of mangas.

"I'm done Eren" Mikasa said, pulling up her socks. Eren tiredly rubbed his hands over his eyes. He took a few minutes to click his knuckles and then his neck. He let out a huff, slapping his hands on this knees and stood looking at her. "Right. Then let's get you to school."

Mikasa sat with wide eyes. Eren copied her expression and then looked behind him. He turned back and look at the young Raven, shaking his head a couple of times. "What?" The brunette questioned. Mikasa let out a small quiet laugh, holding her hand to he mouth to muffle the sounds.

Eren stood confused. "I-I don't get it. What's so funny?" the brunette asked. She simply shook her head and waved her hand. She removed the hand after calming her laughing. "It's, it's just that was so gross what you just done with your neck, I though for a moment it broke with how far it bent to the side" she replied, standing up and smiled. "You're not the first to say" Eren laughed rubbing his neck.

"But seriously, we need to get you to school otherwise you're going to be late". She nodded in response and followed her brother out the room. They walked down the stairs quietly, making sure to miss the steps which made awful squeaking sounds.

Eren grabbed their shoes, letting Grisha know that they were leaving and they will see them later. A simple nod of a reply was given and a 'be safe, love you' side comment. They slipped their shoes on and slipped out into the morning fog.

"God, its so cold" Mikasa commented. Eren stopped, tugging on Mikasa's hood to stop her. "Wait here" Eren said. She nodded and waited. A minute or so later, Eren ran out of the house drive with a red scarf. "It was suppose to be for your birthday, but here" he wrapped the scarf around her neck, "You can have it now" Eren finished with a smile.

Mikasa smiled, pulling the scarf to her nose. "It smells nice, it smells new" she spoke into the scarf. Eren laughed and nodded, motioning Mikasa to carry on walking.

"Do you have any new friends in class?" Eren asked. Eren knew that Mikasa didn't have many friends, mostly because she was different, and looks quite intimidating to approach some times. Eren waiting for an answer, which still hasnt come. "You know you can tell me right", he said. She nodded.

"Sure, there is one person. She's new she came in Thursday after lunch. She seems nice, we have talked and hung out a couple of times, she's really bubbly and happy from what I have seen. The complete opposite of me." She answered. Eren looked down, "Not the complete opposite, you're happy right, maybe not bubbly but you can have your moments". She nodded.

"So, what's her name?" Eren asked. "Isabel Magnolia" she answered immediately.

"Magnolia?" Eren questioned. "Sounds... French right?" Eren looked at Mikasa. She shrugged her shoulders in response. "Like i'll know."

The both carried on walking, stopping at a side shop for Eren to get a drink for Mikasa. Along with a comic magazine and a pack of mints. They carried on walking towards the school.

They got to the school entrance. "By the way, Eren, can you come in today. I don't like waiting on the yard by myself." He nodded, agreeing immediatley.

They walked towards the yard. A couple of children ran around like animals. A couple quietly talking to one and other, and others with their parents. Eren felt a tug to the sleeve, his sister was pulling it looking away in his direction and staring at another child.

Eren crouched, going down to Mikasa' level. "What's up Mik?" He asked. "That's her, Isabel". He looked in the child direction. A little girl with bright green eyes, with redish brown hair, which was put into two pigtails. The girl had a straight face looking round, no emotion. She made eye contact with Mikasa and a smile appeared on her face. The red haired girl ran in their direction.

"MIKASA" the young girl shouted, making everyones heads turn to their direction. Mikasa pulled up her scarf, rolling her eyes at the floor and waved. Eren laughed at the girls excitment towards Mikasa.

"Mikasa, I'm so happy to see you!" Isabel said, pulling Mikasa into a hug.

"Isabel. Don't shout. To god damn loud here already without you adding to it!" a voice spoke approaching the group from behind. "Sorry Brother" Isabel said running towards the 'brother' and hugging his thigh.

"So, this is the Mikasa you talked about right Issy" He brother said. She nodded, hugging his thigh with trememdous force while jumping. "Mm mm, that's right big brother".

Eren looked from Isabel to her brother. He was dressed in black skinny jeans, with a black top which had 'JACKASS' writen on the front of it. He had a small frame, very small. A small face with a black undercut. Eren made eye contact with him. The raven looked away. Eren, took the opportunity to break the awkwardness.

He held out his hand, "I'm Eren. Mikasa' older brother." He smiled.

The raven look at his hand. He rubbed his hands together before putting his hands in his back pockets. "Levi. Isabel' oldest brother" The Raven said looking down at the ground with a slight blush.

Been a while, just read over it and I think it is ready to be published!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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